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YAN Bo, LIN Pei-yuan, YU Hai-tao, LI Hai-yang, DING Qing-feng. Analysis of settlement and tamping energy dissipation[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(zk1): 242-245.
Citation: YAN Bo, LIN Pei-yuan, YU Hai-tao, LI Hai-yang, DING Qing-feng. Analysis of settlement and tamping energy dissipation[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(zk1): 242-245.

Analysis of settlement and tamping energy dissipation

More Information
  • Received Date: April 12, 2011
  • Published Date: November 30, 2011
  • According to the original data of dynamic compaction tests, the relation model of settlement and ramming numbers is established. The pattern of settlement changing with ramming numbers is outlined. Based on the dissipative structure theory for deformation of geotechnical materials, the effect of tamping energy on enhancing the orderliness and stability of the backfill layers open system is analyzed in the view of energy. The laws of the effective evolving function denoted by tamping energy changing with increasing ramming numbers are discussed. The results indicate: (1) the laws of single ramming settlement associated with increasing ramming numbers can be divided into two stages; (2) the original thickness of loose backfill layers influences the numbers, which is required to converge the single ramming settlement curve, but has little impact on the ultimate converge value; (3) with the improvement of system orderliness and stability, the tamping energy which accounts for keeping and promoting the system orderliness and stability decreases, while divergence and transfer energy increases, and the system tends to a relatively stable state associated with the tamping energy.
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