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PENG Bai-xing, LIU Ying-jiong, LIU Yi. Corrosion and weathered characteristics and engineering infulences of red bed[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(zk1): 141-145.
Citation: PENG Bai-xing, LIU Ying-jiong, LIU Yi. Corrosion and weathered characteristics and engineering infulences of red bed[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(zk1): 141-145.

Corrosion and weathered characteristics and engineering infulences of red bed

More Information
  • Received Date: April 28, 2011
  • Published Date: November 30, 2011
  • The Tertiary and Cretaceous red-bed soft rock, widely spread in Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan, is composed of argillaceous gravellystone, silty mudstone and mudstone with the features of weak diagenetic process and susceptiable to weathering and easily be disingtegrated. The characteristics and corrosion mechanism of red bed in Tiyugongyuan Station in Changsha Metro Line No. 2 are studied based on the geological environment, distribution of soil strata, lithology characteristics and the substance by means of explorating, testing, X-ray technique, electricre sistivity and detecting resistivity . The results show that the development and distribution of corrosion in red bed are mainly influnced by the lithology features, geologic structure and groundwater. The construction risk of corrosion is analyzed, and the corresponding measures are put forward. It provides reference to the specific project and is of great significance for the construction of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan economic integration.
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