YOU Hongbing, ZHAO Fengxin, LIANG Jianwen. Dynamic stiffness of rigid strip foundation on layered saturated soil[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2007, 29(3): 442-446.
YOU Hongbing, ZHAO Fengxin, LIANG Jianwen. Dynamic stiffness of rigid strip foundation on layered saturated soil[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2007, 29(3): 442-446.
YOU Hongbing, ZHAO Fengxin, LIANG Jianwen. Dynamic stiffness of rigid strip foundation on layered saturated soil[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2007, 29(3): 442-446.
YOU Hongbing, ZHAO Fengxin, LIANG Jianwen. Dynamic stiffness of rigid strip foundation on layered saturated soil[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2007, 29(3): 442-446.
Dynamic Green’s functions were computed by using an exact dynamic-stiffness matrix method.The interface of foundation and soil was discretized.Based on the displacement boundary conditions at the interface,the dynamic impedances of rigid strip foundation on layered saturated soil were obtained.The dynamic impedances of strip rigid foundation on four different saturated sites(Homogeneous poroelastic half-space,Homogeneous layer with rigid base,A single layer resting on a half-space,Layered saturated soils) were compared and analyzed.The numerical studies indicated the differences between the results of layered site and other sites,and the necessity to use the layered model was shown.When the covering soil was thick,the results of other three sites would be consistent.This method could be extended to calculatie the dynamic impedances of rigid foundations of arbitrary shape embedded in layered poroelastic half-plane.