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YANG Guangqing, WANG Xizhao, XING Huanlan, ZHANG Xinsheng. Study on high and steep bedding stone cutting protected by soil nailing[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2004, 26(4): 486-489.
Citation: YANG Guangqing, WANG Xizhao, XING Huanlan, ZHANG Xinsheng. Study on high and steep bedding stone cutting protected by soil nailing[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2004, 26(4): 486-489.

Study on high and steep bedding stone cutting protected by soil nailing

More Information
  • Published Date: July 29, 2004
  • The b ehaviors and stren gth of soil nailing are studied by field test, based on the engineering performa nce of the high and steep bedding stone cutting protected with soil nailing. The force of nail on different row and different location soil nailing is meas ured with vibrating wire strain gauge. Some conclusions are elicited, such as th e variation of nail force with nail lengt h and time, the potential sliding surface and the distribution of eart h pressure on soil nailing wall. The test results can be used as reference for the design and construction of soil nailing wall.
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