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CHEN Hongqi, HUANG Runqiu, PENG Jianbing. Study on the seismic ground fracturing hazard and its prevention in engineering site[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2003, 25(5): 574-577.
Citation: CHEN Hongqi, HUANG Runqiu, PENG Jianbing. Study on the seismic ground fracturing hazard and its prevention in engineering site[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2003, 25(5): 574-577.

Study on the seismic ground fracturing hazard and its prevention in engineering site

More Information
  • Published Date: September 25, 2003
  • In the viewpoint of ground fracturing,this paper studied seismic ground fracture and its prevention in the coming fifty years in Xi’an.Using the method of theoretical analysis,numerical simulation and experiment,the paper drew some important conclusions as follows.In the coming fifty years,the risk of seismic ground fracturing in the middle part is greater than that in the east and west,in the city than outside the city. When safe depth of foundation is satisfied with requirements,and depth of buried fault is greater than 20 m,the seismic fracturing hazards on the ground surface is smaller.Then the middle yard can be used when the intervals of two paralle ground fissures and two leftlateral sense are bigger than 60 m and 80 m respectively. Taking advantage of mismatching of surge impedance,we can adopt the flexible project,rigid project,or their combination to design fracture resistance.
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