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Wen Yanfeng, Bian Jinghong, Cai Hong. The effect of pozzolanic action and frost and thaw cycles on the mechanical characteristics of dry disposed fly ash[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2000, 22(3): 275-278.
Citation: Wen Yanfeng, Bian Jinghong, Cai Hong. The effect of pozzolanic action and frost and thaw cycles on the mechanical characteristics of dry disposed fly ash[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2000, 22(3): 275-278.

The effect of pozzolanic action and frost and thaw cycles on the mechanical characteristics of dry disposed fly ash

More Information
  • Published Date: May 25, 2000
  • Drained triaxial compression tests on dry disposed fly ashes having different curing time and being subjected to several frost and thaw cycles were carried out Test results show that the shear strength parameters of the fly ash with high calcium oxide content can make a notable change due to pozzolanic action and frost and thaw cycles, but for the fly ash with low calcium oxide content this phenomenon is not very obvious,and the influence of the frost and thaw cycles can be neglected For all the fly ashes tested, the coefficient of permeability of dry disposed fly ash nearly remains unchanged with curing time
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