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Li Ning, Li Yonggang, Zhang Ping. A simulating inversion method for an opening in discrete rock masses[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2000, 22(2): 170-173.
Citation: Li Ning, Li Yonggang, Zhang Ping. A simulating inversion method for an opening in discrete rock masses[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2000, 22(2): 170-173.

A simulating inversion method for an opening in discrete rock masses

More Information
  • Published Date: March 23, 2000
  • A simulating inversion method is proposed in this paper specially for the discrete rock masses with the consideration of the influence of excavation procedures and support measures on the deformation characteristics and the mechanic properties of the rock masses.The construction process simulation performed on the basis of the inversion analysis thus has provided a feasible and better choice for design and construction.
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