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HAN Zhong, ZHANG Lin, DING Luqiang, ZOU Weilie, FENG Huaiping, YING Zhenqian. Soil-water characteristics and dynamic responses of compacted clay under different moisture and temperature paths[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2024, 46(12): 2591-2601. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20230902
Citation: HAN Zhong, ZHANG Lin, DING Luqiang, ZOU Weilie, FENG Huaiping, YING Zhenqian. Soil-water characteristics and dynamic responses of compacted clay under different moisture and temperature paths[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2024, 46(12): 2591-2601. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20230902

Soil-water characteristics and dynamic responses of compacted clay under different moisture and temperature paths

More Information
  • Received Date: September 14, 2023
  • Available Online: March 24, 2024
  • The microstructure, soil-water characteristics, accumulative plastic strain (εp) and resilient modulus (MR) of a compacted Heilongjiang clay are compared. The specimens are imposed with three different moisture (wetting-drying, WD) and temperature (freeze-thaw, FT) paths (i.e., WD-FT, FT-WD and interlaced FTWD histories). The experimental results show that: (1) After moisture-temperature (M-T) actions, the structural pores develop while the textural ones shrink, which leads to reduction in the water retention capacity and increase in the desaturation rate. After M-T effects are stabilized, the microstructure and soil-water characteristics of the specimens with different M-T paths become similar. (2) Under at high moisture content (w), εp and MR are more sensitive to moisture changes (including w and suction s). After FT cycles, εp becomes more sensitive while MR becomes less sensitive to moisture changes. (3) After M-T effects, the MR-s relationships are nonlinear while the MR-w relationships are linear. The different M-T paths do not generate differences in εp and MR when the M-T effects are stabilized. (4) A model based on the mechanics of unsaturated soils is used to rationally predict the variation of MR with w and s for the specimens with different M-T paths.
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