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ZHANG Quan, ZOU Junpeng, WU Kunbo, JIAO Yuyong, JIANG Yujing, WANG Chao, YAN Xianyang. Prevention and control mechanism of deep-hole blasting in deep mining[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2024, 46(11): 2439-2449. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20230873
Citation: ZHANG Quan, ZOU Junpeng, WU Kunbo, JIAO Yuyong, JIANG Yujing, WANG Chao, YAN Xianyang. Prevention and control mechanism of deep-hole blasting in deep mining[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2024, 46(11): 2439-2449. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20230873

Prevention and control mechanism of deep-hole blasting in deep mining

More Information
  • Received Date: September 10, 2023
  • Available Online: March 24, 2024
  • Most of the coal mines in East China, Northeast China and North China have been mined below 600 m in depth, and dynamic disasters such as mine earthquakes have occurred frequently, which have seriously restricted the safety, green and efficient production of coal mines. In view of the frequent occurrence of mine earthquakes under thick and hard roofs in deep coal mines in China, this study takes Dongtan coal mine as an example, and uses the methods of field monitoring, theoretical analysis and numerical simulation to elaborate the effects of deep-hole blasting roof pressure relief on the prevention and control of mine earthquakes, the pre-cracking mechanism and the influences on the overburden activities during mining process. It is found that the deep-hole blasting technology can effectively weaken the thick and hard overlying strata, release the strain energy accumulated in the overlying strata, and reduce the risk of large energy mine earthquakes. Based on the theoretical analysis of rock failure zone under explosion loads, the rock fracture zone, fracture zone and effective failure range of deep-hole blasting are calculated. Combined with the monitoring of working face support, the deep-hole blasting technology can actively regulate the mine pressure and avoid the appearance of strong mine pressure. The numerical simulation model for the whole process of coal seam mining with four deep-hole blastings is established, and the evolution characteristics of stress and displacement of overburden before and after blasting are analyzed. In addition, the influence mechanism of the deep-hole blasting on the overburden activity during mining is revealed. The pressure relief technology of broken roof by the deep-hole blasting can effectively weaken the thick and hard roof above the coal seam, reduce the compressive strength of thick and hard roof and increase the coefficient of crushing and swelling of overburden, which can be used to prevent and control the occurrence of strong mine earthquakes in deep mining.
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