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CHEN Dian, CHEN Yonggui, YE Wemin, YE Daicheng, LAI Qingzhong. Calculation and analysis of stability of landfills under blasting vibration loads[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2024, 46(5): 1067-1076. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20230182
Citation: CHEN Dian, CHEN Yonggui, YE Wemin, YE Daicheng, LAI Qingzhong. Calculation and analysis of stability of landfills under blasting vibration loads[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2024, 46(5): 1067-1076. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20230182

Calculation and analysis of stability of landfills under blasting vibration loads

More Information
  • Received Date: March 01, 2023
  • Available Online: May 14, 2024
  • Aiming at the analysis of stability coefficient of landfills under blasting vibration loads, a mathematical coordinate system is established to determine the coordinate position of each point of two kinds of landfills, and the blasting vibration inertia force is calculated by the centroid method and integral method, respectively. Considering the influences of leachate on the physical and mechanical parameters of the interface between landfills and liners, a three-wedge analysis model and the wedge limit equilibrium equation are established when the landfills are damaged along the back and bottom of the refuse dam. The safety factor of sliding along the bottom composite liner interface at any time under blasting vibration loads is solved by the MATLAB, and the correctness of the wedge limit equilibrium equation is verified through an example. The results show that the time when the time-history curve of the safety factor calculated by the centroid method starts to change is behind that of the integral method, and compared with those of the integral method, the fluctuation range is larger and the minimum safety factor is smaller, and the actual safety factor should be between the two methods. When the explosion source is located below the inner edge of the bottom of the refuse dam or below the area around the middle point of the bottom of the landfills, the safety factor is the minimum and the probability of instability is the largest. The effects of blasting vibration frequency on the safety factor of landfill site are obtained by the integral method, as the vibration frequency increases, the overall change trend of the safety factor increases, and the increasing range decreases gradually. The leachate water level significantly affects the stability of landfills. The research results are of great significance for evaluating the stability of the landfills under tunneling, optimizing the design of tunnel blasting excavation, and ensuring the successful tunneling.
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