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XIE Kang, CHEN Xiaobin, YAO Junkai, LI Taifeng, WANG Yeshun, DENG Zhixing, LÜ Xinlong. Vibration compaction mechanism of high-speed railway fillers based on dynamic evolution of coarse particles[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2024, 46(4): 803-813. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20230030
Citation: XIE Kang, CHEN Xiaobin, YAO Junkai, LI Taifeng, WANG Yeshun, DENG Zhixing, LÜ Xinlong. Vibration compaction mechanism of high-speed railway fillers based on dynamic evolution of coarse particles[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2024, 46(4): 803-813. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20230030

Vibration compaction mechanism of high-speed railway fillers based on dynamic evolution of coarse particles

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  • Received Date: January 08, 2023
  • Available Online: April 09, 2024
  • In order to reveal the mechanism of vibration compaction for high-speed railway fillers, a series of typical graded gravel fillers which belong to the surface layer of the subgrade are used to the investigation object. Firstly, an evaluation system for the compaction quality assessment indices of continuous dry density ρrd, dynamic stiffness Krb and modified foundation coefficient K20 is established based on the self-developed vibration compaction apparatus. Secondly, the graded gravel was scanned by X-CT during the vibratory compaction. The compaction mechanism of graded gravel was revelad based on the the dynamic evolution of coarse particles. The results show that ρrd of the graded gravel fillers exhibits a rapid rise-slow rise tendency. However, Krb and K20 present a rapid rise-slow downward tendency. Moreover, the compaction locking point Tlp is proposed to quantify the inflection point of graded gravel fillers during the vibration compaction. During the vibration compaction process, the stability of vibration compaction occurs when 60% of the coarse particles tend to be horizontally arranged in the long axis (Tlp state). And then further compaction results in the occurrence of surface grinding-based crushing phenomenon of coarse particles to destroy the skeleton stability. Finally, the validity of the mechanism is verified through the discrete element simulation. The research results can reveal the vibration compaction mechanism from the fine view level and provide a new method for the intelligent rolling quality assessment of high-speed railways.
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