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LIU Yong-chao, WEI Chao-qun, LU Hong-yu, LI Gang. Sinking mechanism of inclined static piling method and its application in soft soil areas[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2021, 43(S2): 158-161. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE2021S2038
Citation: LIU Yong-chao, WEI Chao-qun, LU Hong-yu, LI Gang. Sinking mechanism of inclined static piling method and its application in soft soil areas[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2021, 43(S2): 158-161. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE2021S2038

Sinking mechanism of inclined static piling method and its application in soft soil areas

More Information
  • Received Date: August 17, 2021
  • Available Online: December 05, 2022
  • Inclined piles are barely applied in urban geotechnical engineering with the absence of professional infrastructures and practice experience. The development process of the inclined static piling equipment of the authers' group is firstly introduced, and a comparison with the traditional static piling is equipment is made. The relevant factors for equipment selection and pile strength of the inclined static piling method are put forward, and the control formula for the pile-pressing force is proposed. Secondly, the pile sinking mechanism of the inclined static piling method is investigated by monitoring the inclined and vertical CPT and static piling process. It is obtained that the resistance of CPT and the pile-pressing force in the inclined direction are slightly larger than those in the vertical direction, and the laws are similar. Finally, by combining with engineering practice and comparing with the traditional supporting scheme, the proposed method is more cost-effective, efficient and environmentally friendly to be employed in most urban geotechnical engineering.
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