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SUN Peng-chang, LU Wen-bo, LEI Zhen, CHEN Ming, LI Rui-ze, LI Fu-qian. Blasting vibration response and control of high rock slopes of thin mountain[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2021, 43(5): 877-885. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202105011
Citation: SUN Peng-chang, LU Wen-bo, LEI Zhen, CHEN Ming, LI Rui-ze, LI Fu-qian. Blasting vibration response and control of high rock slopes of thin mountain[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2021, 43(5): 877-885. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE202105011

Blasting vibration response and control of high rock slopes of thin mountain

More Information
  • Received Date: June 30, 2020
  • Available Online: December 04, 2022
  • The blasting vibration response characteristics of high rock slopes of a thin mountain are studied by analyzing the monitoring data and numerical results of blasting vibration of Chiwan Mountain high rock slope. The results in vibration amplitude show that the elevation amplification effect of blasting vibration exits on the south slope, and main vibration directions of the monitoring points showing elevation amplification effect are across the slope. However, the blasting vibration decays versus distance on the north slope. In terms of vibration duration, durations of complete blasting vibration and dominant vibration waveforms on the south slope are significantly prolonged with the increase in distance from the blasting source to the monitoring points. Near the top of the slope, the later the starting point of blasting vibration is, the larger the particle peak velocity of the blasting vibration is. In terms of frequency characteristics, the natural frequency of Chiwan Mountain high rock slope is much higher than that of the common single-sided rock slope. With the increase of the distance from the blasting source to the monitoring points, apparent frequency of blasting vibration on the south slope decreases, and the dominant frequency band of blasting vibration is reduced from high frequency band around 100 Hz to the low one around 15 Hz that falls within the natural frequency range of the slope. Finally, three measures, including electronic detonator initiation network, excavation procedure and resistance line direction optimization, and support and protection, are proposed for controlling the blasting vibration of Chiwan Mountain high rock slope.
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