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XU Du, FENG Xia-ting, LI Shao-jun, WU Shi-yong, QIU Shi-li, ZHOU Yang-yi, GAO Yao-hui. In-situ testing technique for tunnel deformation and structural plane of rock mass based on contactless laser scanning method and its application[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2018, 40(7): 1336-1343. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201807022
Citation: XU Du, FENG Xia-ting, LI Shao-jun, WU Shi-yong, QIU Shi-li, ZHOU Yang-yi, GAO Yao-hui. In-situ testing technique for tunnel deformation and structural plane of rock mass based on contactless laser scanning method and its application[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2018, 40(7): 1336-1343. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201807022

In-situ testing technique for tunnel deformation and structural plane of rock mass based on contactless laser scanning method and its application

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  • Received Date: March 04, 2017
  • Published Date: July 24, 2018
  • The technique of contactless comprehensive in-situ tests on tunnel deformation and structural plane of rock mass based on the technology of 3D laser scanning is proposed, and the quantitative characterization methods for structural plane of rock mass are established. With the deep tunnel groups in the second phase project of the Jinping Underground Laboratories as an example, the testing technique of this research is applied, and the relevant test results including the method for tunnel deformation and structural plane tests, advantage structural plane statistics and deformation comprehensive analysis are introduced. Taking the typical rock burst case in the 5th laboratory as an example, the cognition of catastrophic mechanism is obtained by 3D laser scanning. The design method for supports mainly based on shotcrete and anchors is evaluated. The disadvantages and the improved method for the technique of tests on tunnel deformation and structural plane of rock mass are discussed. It may provide important supports for the deformation, structural plane analysis and safety monitoring evaluation of tunnels.
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