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KONG Gang-qiang, SUN Xue-jin, XIAO Yang, ZHAO Hong-hua. Comparative experiments on compressive deformation properties of transparent soil and standard sand[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2016, 38(10): 1895-1903. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201610020
Citation: KONG Gang-qiang, SUN Xue-jin, XIAO Yang, ZHAO Hong-hua. Comparative experiments on compressive deformation properties of transparent soil and standard sand[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2016, 38(10): 1895-1903. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201610020

Comparative experiments on compressive deformation properties of transparent soil and standard sand

More Information
  • Received Date: September 22, 2015
  • Published Date: October 24, 2016
  • Visualization model tests on internal soil deformation and flow problems by using transparent soil to replace natural soil are gradually recognized and applied. However, the researches focusing on compressive deformation properties of transparent soil manufactured by different methods are relatively little. Based on the two granular materials of fused quartz and silica gel, one-dimensional compression tests on transparent soil manufactured with different pore fluids, particle size distributions and relative densities are carried out. The test results on Fujian standard sand and Toyoura sand are comparatively analyzed and discussed. At the same time, the internal displacement fields of typical transparent soil under the effect of loading plate are comparatively analyzed. The results show that the compressibility of transparent soil manufactured with sucrose solution pore fluid is relatively closer to that of natural sand than those manufactured with mixed oil and calcium bromide solution pore fluid. The baked quartz is more capable of modeling natural sand than the amorphous silica gel. The compressibility of transparent soil is larger than that of Fujian standard sand, especially the transparent soil manufactured with particle size of 0.5~1.0 mm, which more attention should be paid to.
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