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WU Jiu-jiang, WEN Hua, CHENG Qian-gong, ZHANG Jian-lei, LI Yan. Numerical analysis for vertically loaded lattice-shaped diaphragm wall based on an approach for determining interfacial parameters[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2016, 38(8): 1456-1465. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201608013
Citation: WU Jiu-jiang, WEN Hua, CHENG Qian-gong, ZHANG Jian-lei, LI Yan. Numerical analysis for vertically loaded lattice-shaped diaphragm wall based on an approach for determining interfacial parameters[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2016, 38(8): 1456-1465. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201608013

Numerical analysis for vertically loaded lattice-shaped diaphragm wall based on an approach for determining interfacial parameters

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  • Received Date: July 19, 2015
  • Published Date: August 24, 2016
  • As a new type of bridge foundation, the vertical behavior of lattice-shaped diaphragm wall (hereinafter for LSDW) is rarely studied by now. An approach for determining interfacial parameters is proposed based on the sensitivity analysis. Then, a numerical analysis for the main tower foundation of the Aomori bridge foundation (an LSDW with six chambers) is conducted to investigate the vertical behavior of LSDWs based on the proposed approach for determining interfacial parameters. It is found that the computed Q-s curve agrees well with the measured data and the proposed approach can be then verified essentially. The distribution of the outer skin friction varies along with the wall body from different directions, and the outer skin friction at the corner location is the largest. The exertion degree of the inner skin friction is limited to a relatively small scale owing to that the chamber number of the foundation is large enough. Stress concentration occurs at the corner part of the wall bottom when the load level is relatively high, which should be noticed during the design phase. During the whole loading process, the foundation changes from an end-frictional bearing wall to a frictional-end bearing one.
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