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LIU Chang, ZHANG Ya-long, ZHENG Gang, ZHENG Ji-cheng, SUN Ya-nan. Effects of seasonal temperature change on a large excavation project[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2016, 38(4): 627-635. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201604006
Citation: LIU Chang, ZHANG Ya-long, ZHENG Gang, ZHENG Ji-cheng, SUN Ya-nan. Effects of seasonal temperature change on a large excavation project[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2016, 38(4): 627-635. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201604006

Effects of seasonal temperature change on a large excavation project

More Information
  • Revised Date: April 24, 2015
  • Published Date: April 24, 2016
  • The effects of seasonal temperature change on loads of circle beam strut, displacements of retaining structure and variation of the surroundings are investigated based on 16 months' monitoring data of a stagnant braced excavation in soft clay area. The excavation, 148 m wide and 178 m long, is supported by soldier piles and lagging with circle beam reinforced concrete struts. The monitoring results indicate that the loads of the circle beam with the arrival of the summer continue to increase, and decrease gradually after the winter comes. The supporting load is consistent well with the change of the seasonal temperature. At the same time, the soldier piles show apparent movement to the pit and there is approximately a linear relationship between the horizontal displacement of pile top increment and the temperature change. The temperature decrease induces the inverted triangle deformation pattern in enclosure structure with multi-level support system. The increase of horizontal displacement of the retaining structure further aggravates the soil settlement outside the foundation pit, causing adverse effects on the whole deformation of the foundation pit and the surrounding environment. In addition, three-dimensional finite element (FE) analysis is performed. The results suggest that the stiffness of retaining structure plays an important role in strut stress. The harder the soil conditions, the greater the temperature effects on the axial force.
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    8 《岩土工程学报》第十二届编委会第一次全体会议于2016年4月8日20时在南京召开,会议由学报第十一届编委会主任殷宗泽教授主持,参加会议的代表包括新一届编委会委员70人及编委委托人4人,共计74人,学报编辑部的所有成员列席了会议。会议宣布《岩土工程学报》第十二届编委会成立,并向新一届编委颁发了聘书。会议通过了新一届编委会负责人名单,陈生水担任编委会主任,汪小刚、龚晓南、孔令伟、滕延京、陈祖煜和张建民担任编委会副主任。会议还通过了学报主编、副主编以及常务编委名单。会上编辑部主任明经平做了第十二届编委会筹备情况的报告和《岩土工程学报》编辑部工作报告,与会代表对如何进一步做好学报工作、提高学报质量进行了交流和讨论。会议还选举了第20讲黄文熙讲座主讲人,经过与会编委的投票选举,香港科技大学的吴宏伟教授得票领先,当选为第20讲黄文熙讲座主讲人。本次编委会期间,第19讲黄文熙讲座学术报告会于2016年4月9日在南京隆重举行,讲座学术报告会由河海大学承办,500多名各界代表出席了会议。
    9 (本刊编辑部)


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