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ZHAO Jian-ming, LIU Xiao-sheng, YANG Yu-sheng, LI Hong-jun, YANG Zheng-quan. Criteria for seismic safety evaluation and maximum aseismic capability of high concrete face rockfill dams[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2015, 37(12): 2254-2261. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201512015
Citation: ZHAO Jian-ming, LIU Xiao-sheng, YANG Yu-sheng, LI Hong-jun, YANG Zheng-quan. Criteria for seismic safety evaluation and maximum aseismic capability of high concrete face rockfill dams[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2015, 37(12): 2254-2261. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201512015

Criteria for seismic safety evaluation and maximum aseismic capability of high concrete face rockfill dams

More Information
  • Received Date: August 19, 2014
  • Published Date: December 19, 2015
  • By considering the characteristics of high concrete face rockfill dams located in the strong earthquake areas, an analysis method to evaluate the seismic safety evaluation and the maximum aseismic capability of high concrete face rockfill dams is proposed. The evaluation emphasis focuses on the stability, deformation and safety of the concrete face impervious system, which are the decisive factors of the aseismic safety of concrete face rockfill dams. A series of evaluation criteria for dam slope dynamic stability, element aseismic safety, earthquake-induced permanent deformation and aseismic safety of concrete face impervious system are proposed. The proposed evaluation method and criteria have been successfully applied to the maximum aseismic capability evaluation of a high concrete face rockfill dam more than 250 m in height. Based on the comprehensive results, the maximum aseismic capability of this concrete face rockfill dam is evaluated to be about 0.50g~0.55g.
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