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TIAN Wen-tong, SUN Jun-jie, WANG Lan-min, XU Shun-hua, LIU Kun, SUN Yu. Research progress and frontier scientific problems in loess dynamics[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2015, 37(11): 2119-2127. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201511026
Citation: TIAN Wen-tong, SUN Jun-jie, WANG Lan-min, XU Shun-hua, LIU Kun, SUN Yu. Research progress and frontier scientific problems in loess dynamics[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2015, 37(11): 2119-2127. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201511026

Research progress and frontier scientific problems in loess dynamics

More Information
  • Received Date: September 07, 2014
  • Published Date: November 19, 2015
  • The research progress of loess dynamics, the train of their thoughts and the deficiency of the existing results are summarized. Based on the relative requirements of quantification and theorization of loess dynamics, the frontier scientific problems in researches on loess dynamics in the future are put forward. The results show that the reality of saturated-loess liquefaction and unsaturated-loess seismic subsidence is not doubtful. For the existing researches, the dynamic triaxial test in laboratory is the main approach to investigate loess dynamics. Based on the laboratory data, more attention is paid to influences of three aspects, i.e., physical properties of loess, microstructural characteristics of soil, and types of dynamic loadings. Almost all researches fail to consider the physical process and mechanical mechanism of dynamic behaviors of loess, and thus both the quantification and the theorization are relatively weak. According to the review and analysis, it is believed that the future frontier scientific problems in loess dynamics should include five aspects: quantitative description of loading effect caused by ground motion on loess, dynamic responding mechanism of loess based on micro interaction of three phases of solid, water and air, quantitative relationship between dynamic response of solid-phase and macro structure strength of loess, coupling influence of earthquake and rainfall on dynamic responding of loess mass, and probability-based assessment of dynamic hazard risk of loess mass.
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    10. 王海军,郁舒阳,汤子璇,汤雷,任然,徐进. 基于3D-ILC含60°内裂纹脆性球体Ⅰ-Ⅱ-Ⅲ型断裂研究. 岩土力学. 2020(05): 1573-1582 .
    11. 王海军,张珂,任然,汤雷,郁舒阳. 基于3D-ILC含60°平行双内裂纹脆性巴西圆盘断裂特性. 工程科学与技术. 2020(04): 184-193 .
    12. 金爱兵,王树亮,王本鑫,孙浩,陈帅军,朱东风. 基于DIC的3D打印交叉节理试件破裂机制研究. 岩土力学. 2020(12): 3862-3872 .
    13. 王海军,郁舒阳,任然,汤雷,李欣昀,贾宇. 基于3D-ILC含内裂纹孔口脆性固体断裂特性试验. 岩土力学. 2019(06): 2200-2212 .

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