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Experimental techniques for earth and rockfill dams and their applications
CHEN Sheng-shui
2015, 37(1): 1-28. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201501001
Abstract PDF
Mechanism of sheet-pile structure with a single anchorage
CAI Zheng-yin, HOU Wei
2015, 37(1): 29-34. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201501002
Abstract PDF
Mobility assessment model for landslide mass considering disintegration energy consumption in slipping process
WU Yue, LIU Dong-sheng, ZHOU Zhong-hao
2015, 37(1): 35-46. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201501003
Abstract PDF
Consolidation behaviors of soft marine clay in Lianyungang under desalination environment of pore water
DENG Yong-feng, YUE Xi-bing, ZHANG Tong-wei, LIU Song-yu, YANG Zhong-chao
2015, 37(1): 47-53. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201501004
Abstract PDF
Influence of different cutter spacings on rock fragmentation efficiency of Beishan granite by TBM
GONG Qiu-ming, HE Guan-wen, ZHAO Xiao-bao, MA Hong-su, LI Xiao-zhao, ZHANG Hao, MIAO Chong-tong
2015, 37(1): 54-60. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201501005
Abstract PDF
One-dimensional compression tests and deformation rules of unsaturated soils
ZHANG Jun-hao, CHEN Zheng-han, TIAN Zhi-min, JIANG Shi-yong, LI Chun-hai
2015, 37(1): 61-66. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201501006
Abstract PDF
Consolidation tests on saturated soils subjected to thermal loading on inner and outer surfaces of hollow cylindrical specimens
BAI Bing, ZHANG Peng-yuan, YAN Yu-long, QIN Lu-sheng, WANG Ming-liang
2015, 37(1): 67-74. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201501007
Abstract PDF
Triaxial tests on creep characteristics of coastal soft soils
LEI Hua-yang, QIU Wang-wei, HE Cai-feng, WANG Xue-chao
2015, 37(1): 75-82. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201501008
Abstract PDF
Longitudinal rigidity of shield tunnels based on model tests
YE Fei, YANG Peng-bo, MAO Jia-hua, MAO Yan-fei, CHEN Zhi, SUN Chang-hai
2015, 37(1): 83-90. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201501009
Abstract PDF
Water retention behaviour of soils with different preparations
SUN De-an, GAO You
2015, 37(1): 91-97. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201501010
Abstract PDF
Theoretical and numerical simulations of face stability around shield tunnels in sand
MIU Lin-chang, WANG Zheng-xing, SHI Wen-bo
2015, 37(1): 98-104. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201501011
Abstract PDF
Bearing capacity tests on multi-type-pile composite foundation with rigid cap
ZHOU Tong-he, WANG Fei, ZHAO Hong, GAO Guang-yun
2015, 37(1): 105-111. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201501012
Abstract PDF
Constitutive model for fluid of post-liquefied sand
ZHOU En-quan, WANG Zhi-hua, CHEN Guo-xing, LÜ Cong
2015, 37(1): 112-118. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201501013
Abstract PDF
Incremental analytical solution for failure history of a single ring of segmented tunnel lining
DONG Xin-ping
2015, 37(1): 119-125. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201501014
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on uplift capacity of multi-helix anchors in sand
HAO Dong-xue, CHEN Rong, FU Sheng-nan
2015, 37(1): 126-132. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201501015
Abstract PDF
Model tests on vibration characteristics of cutting subgrade of expansive soil of express railways under different service environments
YANG Guo-lin, WANG Liang-liang, YANG Xiao
2015, 37(1): 133-138. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201501016
Abstract PDF
Mechanism of CTC-yield bolts and its experimental research
WU Xue-zhen, WANG Gang, JIANG Yu-jing, GONG Bin, LI Bo
2015, 37(1): 139-147. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201501017
Abstract PDF
Influence of MgO activity on stabilization efficiency of carbonated mixing method
LIU Song-yu, LI Chen
2015, 37(1): 148-155. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201501018
Abstract PDF
Field tests on mechanical behaviors during assembly of segmental linings of Qianjiang tunnel
LIAO Shao-ming, MEN Yan-qing, ZHANG Di, XU Yong
2015, 37(1): 156-164. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201501019
Abstract PDF
Influence of discontinuous distribution of collapsible loess on its deformation
ZHENG Jian-guo, DENG Guo-hua, LIU Zheng-hong, CHEN Ran-sheng, FAN Han-guang, LI Kai-chao
2015, 37(1): 165-170. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201501020
Abstract PDF
Compression characteristics of solidified sewage sludge
LI Lei, XU Fei, ZHOU Ling-jun, BIAN Bo, ZHANG Chun-lei
2015, 37(1): 171-176. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201501021
Abstract PDF
Model tests on bearing performance of suction caisson foundation for bridges
ZHANG Yong-tao, YANG Yan-hua, LI Bing, GONG Wei-ming
2015, 37(1): 177-182. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201501022
Abstract PDF
Study on bearing behavior of a single pile under combined vertical and lateral loads in sand
ZHAO Chun-feng, LIU Feng-ming, QIU Zhi-xiong, ZHAO Cheng, WANG Wei-zhong
2015, 37(1): 183-190. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE201501023
Abstract PDF