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Numerical study on break development due to piping failure for earth-rock dams
CHEN Shengshui, ZHONG Qiming, REN Qiang
2009, 31(5): 653-657.
Abstract PDF
Enhanced and weakened effect of skin friction of cast-in-situ piles
DONG Jinrong
2009, 31(5): 658-662.
Abstract PDF
Effect of dewatering of foundation pits on soil heave
ZHENG Gang, WEI Shaowei, XU Shunhua, AN Lu
2009, 31(5): 663-668.
Abstract PDF
Integrated zonation of landslide stability
XU Xinghua, SHANG Yuequan
2009, 31(5): 669-674.
Abstract PDF
Spherical cavity expansion in dilatant soils with different tension and compression moduli
ZHENG Junjie, LU Yaner, CHEN Baoguo
2009, 31(5): 675-680.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of pumping in saturated multi-layered soil by using displacement function method
AI Zhiyong, WU Chao
2009, 31(5): 681-685.
Abstract PDF
Seismic residual displacement of gravity quay walls under coupled motion between rotation and sliding by simple method
LIU Hanlong, WANG Liyan
2009, 31(5): 686-691.
Abstract PDF
Quick borehole data deciphering based on stratum tagging
MING Jing, PAN Mao
2009, 31(5): 692-698.
Abstract PDF
Non-linear analysis of stiffness of soils under small strain
CAO Quan, SHI Jianyong, CHAI Shouxi, WANG Pei, ZHANG Jianxin
2009, 31(5): 699-703.
Abstract PDF
Reduced safety factor evaluation system for soil slopes
LI Wei, KANG Haigui
2009, 31(5): 704-707.
Abstract PDF
Construction of physical cover approximation in manifold method based on least square interpolation
CAI Yongchang, ZHU Hehua
2009, 31(5): 708-712.
Abstract PDF
Fitting analysis of geo-stress field in Huangdao water sealed underground oil tank site
CHEN Xiang, SUN Jinzhong, ZHANG Jiekun, CHEN Qingshou
2009, 31(5): 713-719.
Abstract PDF
Change of strength of surrounding rock system induced by weak interlayer
GUO Fuli, ZHANG Dingli, SU Jie, NIU Xiaokai
2009, 31(5): 720-726.
Abstract PDF
Meshless method for numerical simulation of crack propagation in earth dams
ZHANG Yan, WANG Jianguo, ZHANG Bingyin, LI Quanming
2009, 31(5): 727-731.
Abstract PDF
Recognition of blasting wave signals and dynamics of explosion process
ZHAO Jianping, XU Guoyuan
2009, 31(5): 732-737.
Abstract PDF
Initial post-buckling analysis for super-long rock-socketed piles
YAO Wenjuan, QIU Yuanzhong, CHENG Zekun
2009, 31(5): 738-742.
Abstract PDF
Punching failure test study on raft foundation under column load
SHI Jinlong, TENG Yanjing
2009, 31(5): 743-749.
Abstract PDF
Support vector machine prediction model based on slope displacement monitoring data
TAN Xiaolong
2009, 31(5): 750-755.
Abstract PDF
Characteristics of 3D swelling pressure of GMZ001 bentonite
QIN Bing, CHEN Zhenghan, LIU Yuemiao, WANG Ju
2009, 31(5): 756-763.
Abstract PDF
Effects of seismic vibration on small strain shear modulus of saturated silt
HUANG Bo, SHI Mingxiong, CHEN Yunmin, ZHANG Jun, ZHAO Yu
2009, 31(5): 764-771.
Abstract PDF
Frost-heaving behaviors of mucky clay by artificial horizontal freezing method
TANG Yiqun, HONG Jun, YANG Ping, WANG Jianxiu, HU Xiangdong
2009, 31(5): 772-776.
Abstract PDF
Frontal geological detection technique and implementation system in shield machine construction
ZHOU Qicai, FENG Shuangchang, LI Jun, HE Ziqiang
2009, 31(5): 777-780.
Abstract PDF
Metro tunnel hazards induced by active ground fissures in Xi’an and relevant control measures
HUANG Qiangbing, PENG Jianbing, FAN Hongwei, YANG Peimin, MEN Yuming
2009, 31(5): 781-788.
Abstract PDF
Application of 3D GIS in urban underground space planning
CONG Weiqing, PAN Mao, ZHUANG Lili
2009, 31(5): 789-792.
Abstract PDF
Non-coaxial plasticity constitutive modeling of sands
HU Ping, HUANG Maosong, QIAN Jiangu, Lv Xilin
2009, 31(5): 793-798.
Abstract PDF
Field tests on JYC ecological base material for slope protection in high-cold areas
XU Hua, LI Tianbin, ZHOU Xionghua, ZHANG Rubo
2009, 31(5): 799-804.
Abstract PDF
Structural deformation of overlying subway tunnels induced by tunnelling
ZHANG Chengping, ZHANG Dingli, WANG Mengshu
2009, 31(5): 805-810.
Abstract PDF
Fabric analysis of two-dimensional tests for coarse-grained soils
JIANG Jingshan, CHENG Zhanlin, LIU Hanlong, DING Hongshun
2009, 31(5): 811-816.
Abstract PDF