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Experimental investigation and numerical simulation of nonlinear earth pressure for trench-buried culverts
ZHENG Junjie, CHEN Baoguo, ZHANG Shibiao
2008, 30(12): 1771-1777.
Abstract PDF
Influence of micro-organism on long-term strength of solidified/stabilized sludge
LI Lei, ZHU Wei, JI Shunjian, ZHENG Xiujun
2008, 30(12): 1778-1782.
Abstract PDF
Coulumb’s unified solution of passive earth pressure on retaining wall
PENG Mingxiang
2008, 30(12): 1783-1788.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on vertical bearing capacity of root foundation
GONG Weiming, HU Feng, TONG Xiaodong, YIN Yonggao
2008, 30(12): 1789-1795.
Abstract PDF
Effect of loading level and sequence of vertical and lateral load on bearing capacity of single pile
2008, 30(12): 1796-1804.
Abstract PDF
Distribution of active earth pressure against flexible retaining walls with drum deformation
YING Hongwei, CAI Qipeng
2008, 30(12): 1805-1810.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on desorption and seepage rules of coal-bed gas considering temperature conditions
YANG Xinle, ZHANG Yongli, LI Chengquan, LI Weikang
2008, 30(12): 1811-1814.
Abstract PDF
Displacement of base-enlarged tension piles caculated by load transfer method
SUN Xiaoli, YANG Min, MO Haihong
2008, 30(12): 1815-1820.
Abstract PDF
Mechanism of drainage in vacuum preloading
MING Jingping, ZHAO Weibing
2008, 30(12): 1821-1825.
Abstract PDF
Chloride migration in segment concrete of river-crossing shield tunnels with cracks and joint leakage
YANG Linde, WU Zhenzhi, SHI Beiling, LI Peng, DAI Sheng
2008, 30(12): 1826-1831.
Abstract PDF
Quantitative research on microstructures of expansive soils during swelling using electrical resistivity measurements
ZHA Fusheng, LIU Songyu, DU Yanjun, CUI Kerui
2008, 30(12): 1832-1839.
Abstract PDF
Experimental research on relative rigidity of pile-cap
GUO Chao, GONG Weiming, LU Bo, DAI Guoliang
2008, 30(12): 1840-1846.
Abstract PDF
Rock mass rating identification based on TBM performance parameters and muck characteristics
SUN Jinshan, LU Wenbo, SU Lijun, ZHOU Chuangbing
2008, 30(12): 1847-1854.
Abstract PDF
Expansion characteristics and construction control of remolded Mengzi expansive soil
LI Zhiqing, LI Tao, HU Ruilin, WANG Lichao, WANG Yanping
2008, 30(12): 1855-1860.
Abstract PDF
Fracture initiation mechanism of refracturing
LI Peichao
2008, 30(12): 1861-1866.
Abstract PDF
Damage-creep characteristics and model of asphalt mixture
ZHANG Jiupeng, HUANG Xiaoming, MA Tao
2008, 30(12): 1867-1871.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on strength and deformation of unsaturated expansive soils
HAN Huaqiang, CHEN Shengshui, ZHENG Chengfeng
2008, 30(12): 1872-1876.
Abstract PDF
Simulation on dynamic response of large underground opening complex under seismic loads
SUI Bin, ZHU Weishen, LI Xiaojing
2008, 30(12): 1877-1882.
Abstract PDF
Preliminary tests of measuring shear wave velocity on soil surface using bender elements
ZHOU Yanguo, CHEN Yunmin, HUANG Bo, SHAMOTO Yasuhiro
2008, 30(12): 1883-1887.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on dynamic performance of red mudstone subgrade of Dazhou-Chengdu Railway under cyclic loads
WANG Zhimeng, JIANG Guanlu, WEI Yongxing, HU Anhua
2008, 30(12): 1888-1893.
Abstract PDF
Digital detection and fractal characteristics of induced fracturing of roofs
GAO Feng, ZHOU Keping, HU Jianhua
2008, 30(12): 1894-1899.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on application of STW ecotypic soil stabilizer in windbreak and sand fixation
HUANG He, SHI Bin, LIU Jin, JIANG Hongtao
2008, 30(12): 1900-1904.
Abstract PDF
Technology and bearing behavior of cast-in-place pile with self-enlarging diving casing
FANG Pengfei, ZHU Xiangrong, WU Caixia, YANG Jianhua
2008, 30(12): 1905-1909.
Abstract PDF
Stiffness reduction and slope failure criterion in strength reduction finite element method
LONG Xujian, HUANG Xiaoyan, ZHANG Chunyu, ZHOU Ji
2008, 30(12): 1910-1914.
Abstract PDF
Interval numbers-based integrated classification method for surrounding rock of highway tunnel
ZHANG Yifei, CHENG Chuanguo, ZHANG Haifeng, LI Jia, HOU Hongwei
2008, 30(12): 1915-1920.
Abstract PDF
Earthquake resistance performance and reinforcement of soil-shell dam of Hualiangting Reservoir
GAO Dashui, YE Junrong
2008, 30(12): 1921-1924.
Abstract PDF
Discussion on "Nonlinear evolutionary mechanisms and physical prediction of instability of planar-slip slope"
PAN Yue, QI Yunsong, LI Aiwu
2008, 30(12): 1925-1927.
Abstract PDF
Reply to the discussion on "Nonlinear evolutionary mechanisms and physical prediction of instability of planar-slip slope"
QIN Siqing, SUN Qiang
2008, 30(12): 1928-1930.
Abstract PDF
Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Contents of Vol.30,No.1~12,2008(Total No.182~191,193~194)
2008, 30(12): 1931-1952.
Abstract PDF