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Constitutive model and numerical simulation of thermo-hydro-mechanical behavior in unsaturated soils
WU Wenhua, LI Xikui
2002, 24(4): 411-416.
Abstract PDF
Method of stability analysis of embedded large-diameter cylinder quay
WANG Yuanzhan, WANG Hailong, FU Ruiqing
2002, 24(4): 417-420.
Abstract PDF
A simplified discontinuity propagation model and its application in mechanics of rock mass
DU Jingcan, CHEN Zuyu
2002, 24(4): 421-426.
Abstract PDF
The stress of road structure under horizontal load
DENG Xuejun, LI Chang
2002, 24(4): 427-431.
Abstract PDF
Analysis of interaction of superstructure,arch-foundation and soil
2002, 24(4): 432-435.
Abstract PDF
Study on leakage of Shijiao section of Beijiang river dyke
CHEN Jiansheng, LIU Jiangang
2002, 24(4): 436-441.
Abstract PDF
Practical cases of leaning and rectification of multiple-story buildings with a settlement joint
LOU Xiaoming, LI Jingpei, PAN Senfeng, XU Renbao
2002, 24(4): 442-445.
Abstract PDF
Pilot study on collapse of an industrial building due to adjacent surcharge loads
YANG Min, ZHU Bitang, CHEN Fuquan
2002, 24(4): 446-450.
Abstract PDF
Digital image analysis of compacted asphalt mixture
LI Zhi, XU Wei, WANG Shaohuai, ZHANG Xiaoning
2002, 24(4): 451-455.
Abstract PDF
Study on frozen Harbin silty clay through its measuring tests of ultrasonic velocity
LING Xianzhang, XU Xueyan, XU Chunhua, LI Xiaozhi
2002, 24(4): 456-459.
Abstract PDF
Intelligent control of deformation during excavation for large and deep foundation
YUAN Jinrong, WANG Wenming, SUN Jun
2002, 24(4): 460-464.
Abstract PDF
Co-evolution optimization of anchored piles in row for deep foundation pit
WU Heng, ZHOU Dong, LI Taoshen, OU Xiaoduo, WANG Yetian
2002, 24(4): 465-470.
Abstract PDF
Researches on bracing system of foundation pit using simplified space analytical method
LU Peiyi, LIU Chang, GU Xiaolu
2002, 24(4): 471-474.
Abstract PDF
Stabilization control of rock bolted roadways based on dynamic monitoring and feedback of surrounding rocks
KONG Heng, MA Nianjie, WANG Mengshu, ZHANG Dehua
2002, 24(4): 475-478.
Abstract PDF
A calculation method for internal force of prestressed anchor-rope and frame beam-on-foundation on high rock slope
XIAO Shiguo, ZHOU Depei
2002, 24(4): 479-482.
Abstract PDF
Research on the non-linear mechanics characters of large section cavern excavating within soft rock by numerical simulation
HE Manchao, LI Chunhua, WANG Shuren
2002, 24(4): 483-486.
Abstract PDF
The slope stability analysis by FEM under the plane strain condition
ZHANG Luyu, SHI Weimin, ZHENG Yingren
2002, 24(4): 487-490.
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Research on axial bearing behavior of large diameter piles
HU Qingli, ZHANG Kexu
2002, 24(4): 491-495.
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An empirical formula for bearing capacity of vibro replacement stone column
WANG Jianping, LI Jinglin, CAO Guoxing, JIN Weiguang
2002, 24(4): 496-498.
Abstract PDF
Experimental study on improving the drained and consolidated ground with DCM
LI Fumin
2002, 24(4): 499-502.
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Study on construction test of embankment on soft clay of plateau slope
YOU Changlong, ZHAO Chenggang, ZHANG Huancheng, LIU Hongwen
2002, 24(4): 503-508.
Abstract PDF
Deformation behavior of Shenzhen soft clay and post-construction settlement
ZHANG Huiming, XU Yusheng, ZENG Qiaoling
2002, 24(4): 509-514.
Abstract PDF
Engineering properties of Lucheng Loess in Shanxi
BAI Xiaohong
2002, 24(4): 515-518.
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