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  • Scopus数据库收录期刊
王余庆, 孙建生, 韩仲卿, 邹敏. 挤密桩法在加固可液化地基中的应用[J]. 岩土工程学报, 1989, 11(2): 18-25.
引用本文: 王余庆, 孙建生, 韩仲卿, 邹敏. 挤密桩法在加固可液化地基中的应用[J]. 岩土工程学报, 1989, 11(2): 18-25.
Wang Yuqing, Sun Jiansheng, Han Zhongqing, Zhou Min. The Application of Compaction Pile Method to Improvement of Liquefiable Silty Soil Foundation[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1989, 11(2): 18-25.
Citation: Wang Yuqing, Sun Jiansheng, Han Zhongqing, Zhou Min. The Application of Compaction Pile Method to Improvement of Liquefiable Silty Soil Foundation[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1989, 11(2): 18-25.


The Application of Compaction Pile Method to Improvement of Liquefiable Silty Soil Foundation

  • 摘要: 本文介绍了笔者自1984年以来在高烈度区的三个场地利用振动挤密碎石桩加固可液化饱和轻亚粘土地基的主要经验。研究表明,用挤密碎石桩处理可液化地基,特别是可液化轻亚粘土地基具有良好的加固效果和较大的经济效益。文中对评价复合地基抗液化效果的常用方法进行了讨论,提出一种能在较短时间内判断复合地基抗液化效果的简化法,并在实际工程中试用。


    Abstract: The main experiences obtained by the authors since 1984 in improvement of liquefiable saturated silty foundations with vibro-compaction gravel piles on three construction sites located in high seismic intensity zone are introduced in this paper. The results of the investigation have shown that good improvement effect and great economic benefit can be achieved using vibro-compaction gravel pile to improve the liquefiable foundations, especially the liquefiable silty foundations. The general methods used for evaluating, the liquefaction-inhibiting effect of complex foundation are discussed. A simplified method for evaluating liquefaction-inhibiting effect of complex foundation in short time is presented and has been used tentatively in practical engineering.


