Application of static bolt-pile technique to construction of basement of existing buildings
摘要: 以中国工商银行某办公楼地下室增设工程为背景,将锚杆静压桩技术应用于既有建筑地下室增设工程,成功地将既有建筑下新增了一层3.6 m高的地下车库,实现了既有建筑物地下空间的二次开发,总结提出了地下室增设工程中锚杆静压桩的设计方案和关键施工工艺。现场监测表明,既有建筑物相邻柱间最大沉降差仅为4.93 mm,满足国家相关规范;周围道路沉降值较小,沉降速率平缓。地下室增设工程施工工艺对既有结构及周边环境影响较小,锚杆静压桩技术成功应用于工程实践,这对大城市地下空间的二次开发具有一定的借鉴价值。Abstract: The static bolt-pile technique is firstly applied to the construction of basement of the existing buildings. A new layer of 3.6 m-underground garage is built beneath the existing buildings successfully, and the secondary development of underground space beneath the existing buildings comes true. Based on an office building project of China Industrial and Commercial Bank, the design scheme and key techniques of the construction of basement are proposed. The monitoring results show that the largest uneven settlement between columns of the existing buildings is only 4.93 mm, and it meets the relevant national standards. The settlement of the surrounding roads is small, and the settlement rate is gentle. So the influence of the construction on the existing structure and surrounding roads is very small. The application of the static bolt-pile technique to the project is successful. It provides a good example for the promotion of similar projects and the secondary development of urban underground space.
- existing building /
- basement construction /
- static bolt-pile /
- construction techniques /
- monitoring
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