Influences of fissures on slope stability of expansive soil
摘要: 人们早就知道膨胀土具有多裂隙的特点,也知道它影响边坡的稳定;但怎样影响,严重程度如何,并未清楚认识,在膨胀土边坡设计施工的各环节中并没有充分考虑裂隙影响,以致膨胀土边坡失稳事故仍时有发生。对此作深入研究实有必要。笔者曾发表裂隙开展对强度指标影响的试验成果,提出考虑裂隙影响的边坡稳定分析方法和用土工膜限制裂隙发展的加固方法。在此基础上,本文进一步论述了膨胀土裂隙的产生机理与发展过程,结合膨胀土边坡失稳实例探讨了裂隙所起作用,解释了裂隙开展与膨胀土边坡失稳特征的联系,论述了换土加固方法之所以有效主要在于它限制裂隙开展等。上述各点,从不同的角度论证了多裂隙性是膨胀土边坡易于失稳的关键,是其不同于其它黏性土坡的根本;提出要在膨胀土边坡的分析、计算、施工和处理等各环节都考虑裂隙影响,形成系统理论。Abstract: People have known that the fissure is a remarkable feature of expansive soil, and it has influences on the slope stability of expansive soil. But the mechanism and the extent of the influences are not clearly known. The influences of fissure are not considered in the design and construction of expansive soil slopes, resulting in frequent occurrence of the landslides of expansive soil. It is necessary to thoroughly study this problem. The authors have published the test results of the influences of the fissures on the strength parameters of expansive soil, developed an analysis method for slope stability considering the influences of the fissures, and put forward a reinforcement method using the geo-membrane to restrict the development of the fissures. In this paper, the mechanism and development process of the fissures are discussed, the effect of the fissures in some practical instances of expansive soil landsides is analyzed, the characteristics of landsides of expansive soil which are different from those of other cohesive soils are explained based on the fissures, the success of the replacement method is revealed mainly due to the restriction of the development of the fissures. All of the above points show that the fissure is the key problem of instability of the expansive soil slopes. It is proposed that the influences of the fissures should be considered in the analysis, calculation, construction and treatment of the slopes of expansive soil, and the corresponding systematic theory should be developed.
- expansive soil /
- fissure /
- slope stability /
- replacement method
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