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曾玲玲, 洪振舜, 刘松玉, 陈福全

曾玲玲, 洪振舜, 刘松玉, 陈福全. 重塑黏土次固结性状的变化规律与定量评价[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2012, 34(8): 1496-1500.
引用本文: 曾玲玲, 洪振舜, 刘松玉, 陈福全. 重塑黏土次固结性状的变化规律与定量评价[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2012, 34(8): 1496-1500.
ZENG Ling-ling, HONG Zhen-shun, LIU Song-yu, CHEN Fu-quan. Variation law and quantitative evaluation of secondary consolidation behavior for remolded clays[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 34(8): 1496-1500.
Citation: ZENG Ling-ling, HONG Zhen-shun, LIU Song-yu, CHEN Fu-quan. Variation law and quantitative evaluation of secondary consolidation behavior for remolded clays[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 34(8): 1496-1500.

重塑黏土次固结性状的变化规律与定量评价  English Version

基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(41102168,41172240)

    曾玲玲(1983– ),女,讲师,博士,从事土的基本特性与本构关系及地基处理方面研究。

  • 中图分类号: TU411

Variation law and quantitative evaluation of secondary consolidation behavior for remolded clays

  • 摘要: 通过对6种不同的天然沉积土重塑样进行一维压缩次固结试验,明确了重塑黏土次固结变形的主要影响因素为孔隙比与对应于液限的孔隙比,得出了重塑黏土的次固结系数随着固结压力的增大和孔隙比的减小而减小,且相同孔隙比下次固结系数随液限的增大而增大的规律。定义了ln(1+e)-lnt双对数坐标下的次固结系数CαL,提出了双对数坐标次固结系数与液限孔隙比的定量关系表达式,为重塑黏土提供了简便实用的次固结变形计算方法,也为进一步完善Burland等提出的固有压缩概念与压缩理论奠定试验基础。
    Abstract: Oedometer and secondary consolidation tests were performed on six remolded clays with a wide spectrum of liquid limits to investigate the secondary consolidation behavior. It is understood that the void ratio and the void ratio at liquid limit are the controlling factors in the secondary deformation analysis. This study also makes it clear that the coefficient of the secondary consolidation decreases with the decrease in the void ratio, and increases with the increase in the liquid limit under the same void ratio. A new definition of the coefficient of secondary consolidation is given in the bilogarithmic ln(1+e)-logt plot. The quantitative evaluation of the relationship between the secondary consolidation coefficient in the bilogarithmic plot and the void ratio at the liquid limit (eL) is also proposed. A simple method for predicting the settlement of the secondary consolidation for remolded clays is also recommended.
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  • 收稿日期:  2011-07-10
  • 发布日期:  2012-08-19


