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ZJU400 离心机研制及其振动台性能评价

陈云敏, 韩 超, 凌道盛, 孔令刚, 周燕国

陈云敏, 韩 超, 凌道盛, 孔令刚, 周燕国. ZJU400 离心机研制及其振动台性能评价[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(12): 1887-1894.
引用本文: 陈云敏, 韩 超, 凌道盛, 孔令刚, 周燕国. ZJU400 离心机研制及其振动台性能评价[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(12): 1887-1894.
CHEN Yun-min, HAN Chao, LING Dao-sheng, KONG Ling-gang, ZHOU Yan-guo. Development of geotechnical centrifuge ZJU400 and performance assessment of its shaking table system[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(12): 1887-1894.
Citation: CHEN Yun-min, HAN Chao, LING Dao-sheng, KONG Ling-gang, ZHOU Yan-guo. Development of geotechnical centrifuge ZJU400 and performance assessment of its shaking table system[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(12): 1887-1894.

ZJU400 离心机研制及其振动台性能评价  English Version

基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目 ( 50809060 , 50908207 ) ; 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目( 2010XZZX001 , 2010KYJD006 ); 973 计划项目( 2007CB714203 ) ;中国地震局 地震行业科研专项 ( 200808022 )

    陈云敏 (1962 – ) ,男,教授,主要从事环境土工、土动力学和基础工程方面的研究。

  • 中图分类号: TU411

Development of geotechnical centrifuge ZJU400 and performance assessment of its shaking table system

  • 摘要: 土工离心机可以产生与原型相同的自重应力,保证模型破坏机制与原型一致,是解决岩土工程、水利工程和环境工程等领域复杂问题的理想试验模拟手段。搭配机载振动台系统,离心机还可以在原型应力条件下探讨地震引起的建构筑物变形和稳定特性。鉴于离心机振动台的科研价值,浙江大学建造了有效旋转半径为 4.5 m 、负载能力 400gt 的双吊篮臂式离心机,可开展 150g 重力加速度下的静态试验和 100g 重力加速度下的动态试验,吊篮尺寸达 1500 mm×1200 mm×1500 mm 。同时,离心机配置了最大振动幅值为 0.6 cm 、最大振动加速度为 40g 的振动台系统,可进行有效负重小于 500 kg 水平单向地震动响应模拟。静动力试验使用的刚性模型箱和层状剪切模型箱的最大尺寸分别为 1.2 m×1.0 m×1.0 m 和 600 mm × 350 mm × 449 mm 。通过饱和砂土地基建筑物震陷试验,初步检验了离心机振动台系统的整体性能。
    Abstract: As an ideal experimental simulation method, geotechnical centrifuge can generate the same gravity stress as the prototype, guarantee the consistency of model deformation and failure mechanism between the centrifugal model and real objects and solve complex problems in geotechnical engineering, hydraulic engineering and environmental engineering etc. Working with a shaking table system, the centrifuge can be employed to study the seismic deformation and stability characteristics under the prototype stress. In view of the scientific values of the centrifuge and shaking table, Zhejiang University has developed one of the largest geotechnical centrifuges in China. The beam type centrifuge has double platforms with a payload capacity of 400 g•t and an effective arm radius of 4.5 m. The maximum centrifugal acceleration is 150g for static tests and 100g for dynamic tests. The centrifuge platforms have overall dimensions of 1.5 m×1.2 m×1.5 m. Meanwhile, an in-flight uni-axial electro-hydraulic shaker has been made for the centrifuge to simulate seismic excitation. Within the payload of 500 kg, the maximum lateral displacement and acceleration are 0.6 cm and 40g. Rigid and laminar containers are used to prepare the model, whose maximum dimensions are 1.2 m×1.0 m×1.0 m and 600 mm×350 mm×449 mm. The performance of the shaking table system of the centrifuge is evaluated through an experiment on seismic differential settlement of buildings on saturated sand.
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