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姚仰平, 牛 雷, 崔文杰, 万 征

姚仰平, 牛 雷, 崔文杰, 万 征. 超固结非饱和土的本构关系[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(6): 833.
引用本文: 姚仰平, 牛 雷, 崔文杰, 万 征. 超固结非饱和土的本构关系[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(6): 833.
YAO Yang-ping, NIU Lei, CUI Wen-jie, WAN Zheng. UH model for unsaturated soils[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(6): 833.
Citation: YAO Yang-ping, NIU Lei, CUI Wen-jie, WAN Zheng. UH model for unsaturated soils[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(6): 833.

超固结非饱和土的本构关系  English Version

基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(50879001;11072016;10872016)

UH model for unsaturated soils

  • 摘要: Alonso等提出的巴塞罗那(Barcelona)弹塑性本构模型是非饱和土本构模型中的代表,将巴塞罗那本构模型与姚仰平等所提出的超固结土UH本构模型相结合,使之适用于超固结非饱和土。该模型在吸力等于零的时候就退化成饱和土的UH本构模型;在吸力不为零且无超固结的情况下,就退化成巴塞罗那本构模型;该模型不仅使超固结状态下的湿化模拟更为合理,而且也能够反映超固结非饱和土的硬化、软化、剪缩、剪胀特性和不同应力路径对超固结非饱和土变形特性的影响,同时能够反映湿化使超固结程度降低甚至使超固结消失的特性。与巴塞罗那模型相比,本文所提出的模型没有增加任何新的材料参数,且与已有的试验结果对比分析,表明该模型能够较为合理地描述超固结非饱和土的基本力学特性。
    Abstract: A new elasto-plastic model for overconsolidated unsaturated soils is presented by combining the Barcelona Basic Model (BBM), one of the classic elasto-plastic models for unsaturated soils, and UH model, one of the improved elasto-plastic models for overconsolidated soils, with the same soil parameters as the Cam-clay model. The proposed model is able to be changed into the UH model and BBM while the suction of overconsolidated unsaturated soils is zero and the consolidation behavior of unsaturated soils disappears respectively. Compared with the previous models, the wetting behavior of unsaturated soils in overconsolidated condition can be described more reasonably while many characteristics of overconsolidated soils considering suction effect can be modeled, including strain-hardening, softening, dilatancy and stress path dependence behavior. It is shown in the model that the overconsolidation level declines or even disappears during wetting. The validity of the model is confirmed by data from the previous triaxial tests for overconsolidated unsaturated soils.
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