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丁 勇, 王 平, 何 宁, 赵维炳, 王国立. 基于BOTDA光纤传感技术的SMW工法桩分布式测量研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(5): 719.
引用本文: 丁 勇, 王 平, 何 宁, 赵维炳, 王国立. 基于BOTDA光纤传感技术的SMW工法桩分布式测量研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(5): 719.
DING Yong, WANG Ping, HE Ning, ZHAO Wei-bin, WANG Guo-li. New method to measure deformation of SMW piles based on BOTDA[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(5): 719.
Citation: DING Yong, WANG Ping, HE Ning, ZHAO Wei-bin, WANG Guo-li. New method to measure deformation of SMW piles based on BOTDA[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(5): 719.


New method to measure deformation of SMW piles based on BOTDA

  • 摘要: 利用BOTDA分布式光纤传感技术,将普通H型钢改造成为具有自感知能力的桩体,使之能够在基坑开挖过程中自动获取H型钢翼缘应变、桩身弯矩、挠度等受力变形数据;通过对H型钢受力结构的分析,提出了不需要确定中性面位置的桩身弯矩连续计算方法,实现了桩身测量的温度自补偿。该技术在某基坑工程中的成功应用表明,它具有良好的现场适应性,可以对基坑安全进行远程实时监测,并具有分布式测量、温度自补偿等优点,可作为一种新型的基坑围护结构加以推广应用。


    Abstract: By using BOTDA distributed optical fiber sensing technology, the ordinary H-pile is transformed into a pile body with a self-sensing ability, so that it can automatically acquire structural health data like strain, bending moment, deflection and so on during excavation process. Through analysis of the forces acting on the H-pile, a method for continuous calculation of bending moment of the piles, which doesn’t need to determine the location of neutral face, is proposed, and it can make temperature compensation. The technology has been applied in a foundation pit, and the a successful application shows that it has good in-situ adaptability. It can be employed to monitor the real-time deformation of the foundation pit. Moreover, it has some advantages like distributed measurement, temperature self-compensation, etc., therefore it can be widely used as a new type of protective structure in foundation pits.


