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陈仁朋, DAITA R K, DRNEVICH V P, KIM D H. 室内TDR试验监测石灰矿渣加固粘性土的物理化学反应过程(英文)[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2006, 28(2): 249-255.
引用本文: 陈仁朋, DAITA R K, DRNEVICH V P, KIM D H. 室内TDR试验监测石灰矿渣加固粘性土的物理化学反应过程(英文)[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2006, 28(2): 249-255.
CHEN Renpeng, DAITA R K, DRNEVICH V P, KIM D H. Laboratory TDR monitoring of physico-chemical process in lime kiln dust stabilized clayey soils[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2006, 28(2): 249-255.
Citation: CHEN Renpeng, DAITA R K, DRNEVICH V P, KIM D H. Laboratory TDR monitoring of physico-chemical process in lime kiln dust stabilized clayey soils[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2006, 28(2): 249-255.


Laboratory TDR monitoring of physico-chemical process in lime kiln dust stabilized clayey soils

  • 摘要: 石灰矿渣和水泥矿渣常用于加固道路基层的粘性土。目前现场一般采用未加固土的最大干密度和最优含水率来评价加固土的压实施工质量。但是粘性土掺加了石灰后,发生了复杂的物理化学反应,使得其压实特性与未加固土有很大的不同。采用时域反射计监测石灰加固土内的物理化学反应过程。试验时将不同石灰矿渣掺和量和含水率的Orchard粘土通过标准击实试验夯实于击实筒中,用TDR监测其中的物理化学反应,针式贯入仪监测强度的增长。试验发现,电导率和介电常数的变化反应了土中的离子交换和硬化反应的过程。初始电导率(1d之内)的减小揭示了石灰矿渣的掺和量的大小,而长期电导率的减小揭示了强度的增长。试验表明,时域反射计技术可用于评价石灰加固土的施工质量。


    Abstract: By-product materials like lime kiln dust(LKD) and cement kiln dust(CKD) begin to be used in the highways and airfield subgrades for improving natural soils to make them suitable construction materials.Most often,dry density and water content are measured in the field for the quality control purposes.Due to the complex physico-chemical reactions in the mixture,the maximum dry density and the optimum water content of the stabilized soils are always quite different from those of natural soil,which make it difficult to evaluate the quality of the stabilized soil.The physico-chemical process in LKD stabilized soil resulted in the change of the electromagnetic properties,which could be monitored by robust,automated,time domain reflectrometry(TDR) technology.LKD stabilized orchard clay with different dosages of LKD and water content were compacted in standard molds.The electrical conductivity and apparent dielectric constant were monitored by TDR to investigate the physico-chemical processes.Needle penetrometer tests were also done on replicate samples at different curing time.It was found that the variation of electrical conductivity and apparent dielectric constant with time was an indicator of short-term cation exchange and agglomeration and long-term pozzolanic reactions.The decrease of electrical conductivity with time coincided with the increase of the penetrometer resistance.The initial(less than one day) reduction of conductivity was strongly related to the dosage of LKD,while the long term reduction was related to the strength development.The paper presented the potential applications of TDR technology to the LKD stabilized soil in the field quality control.


