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陈荣, 杨树斌, 吴新生, 葛修润, 丰定祥. 砂固结预应力锚杆的室内试验及锚固机理分析[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2000, 22(2): 235-237.
引用本文: 陈荣, 杨树斌, 吴新生, 葛修润, 丰定祥. 砂固结预应力锚杆的室内试验及锚固机理分析[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2000, 22(2): 235-237.
Chen Rong, Yang Shubin, Wu Xinsheng, Ge Xiurun, Feng Dingxiang. Laboratory tests on consolidated sand anchorage with prestressed bolt and analysis of anchorage mechanism[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2000, 22(2): 235-237.
Citation: Chen Rong, Yang Shubin, Wu Xinsheng, Ge Xiurun, Feng Dingxiang. Laboratory tests on consolidated sand anchorage with prestressed bolt and analysis of anchorage mechanism[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2000, 22(2): 235-237.


Laboratory tests on consolidated sand anchorage with prestressed bolt and analysis of anchorage mechanism

  • 摘要: 砂固结预应力锚杆的锚固力是由砂体与锚孔壁之间的摩擦力提供的。设计了一系列室内试验对这项技术深入地作了研究。基于试验成果对砂固结锚固机理作了探讨。


    Abstract: The anchorage force of consolidated anchorage with prestressed bolt is actually the friction resistance between sand and the wall of drill hole.Through laboratory tests,this technique has been thoroughly studied.Based on these tests some investigations on anchorage mechanism have been made.


