• 全国中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • 美国工程索引(EI)收录期刊
  • Scopus数据库收录期刊
董建国, 赵锡宏, 龚一斌. 高层建筑与裙房基础整体设计的若干问题[J]. 岩土工程学报, 1998, 20(6): 29-35.
引用本文: 董建国, 赵锡宏, 龚一斌. 高层建筑与裙房基础整体设计的若干问题[J]. 岩土工程学报, 1998, 20(6): 29-35.
Dong Jianguo, Zhao Xihong, Gong Yibin. Some problems on design of whole foundation for tall building with podium[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1998, 20(6): 29-35.
Citation: Dong Jianguo, Zhao Xihong, Gong Yibin. Some problems on design of whole foundation for tall building with podium[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1998, 20(6): 29-35.


Some problems on design of whole foundation for tall building with podium

  • 摘要: 通过带裙房高层建筑与地基基础共同作用的理论研究以及实测调查,就高层建筑与裙房基础整体设计的一些问题提出看法与建议。其中包括整体设计裙房基础悬臂长度的建议值和相对弯曲参考值。推荐在软土地基合适的桩箱(筏)基础沉降计算方法以及上海各类桩持力层基床系数的建议值,以供设计者参考。


    Abstract: Based on the theoretical study and field measurements of foundation soil pile interaction for tall building with podium, some suggestions including the length and relative deflection of cantilever in the design of whole foundation for tall building with podium are proposed. This paper recommends two practical methods to calculate settlement of piled box (or piled raft) foundation and gives appropriate coefficients of subgrade reaction for the various bearing stratum of piles in Shanghai.


