Micro-settling control technology for shield tunnels crossing old buildings
摘要: 中心城区盾构隧道下穿老旧建筑物的沉降控制是盾构施工的焦点问题。通常沉降控制方法是通过地表沉降监测数据,决定是否进行二次注浆,但地表及建筑物变形早已发生。为了弥补传统方法沉降处置滞后的不足,提出了“微沉降”施工控制技术,开发了壁后注浆雷达实时检测系统与自动化监测预警平台,在地表沉降发生之前及时注浆填充地层损失的空隙,防止地表沉降,保证老旧建筑物安全。济南轨道交通R3线王—裴区间隧道下穿越的老旧建筑物群,建造时间多为20世纪70—80年代,部分墙体风化严重,大大增加了地表沉降控制、建筑物保护难度。首先,利用三维有限元软件,对隧道下穿苏宁大楼和农业银行进行三维数值模拟,认为适当增加注浆压力可以有效减小地表沉降值,模拟结果与监测数据较为吻合。其次,为了掌握壁后注浆质量,控制隧道下穿化肥厂宿舍楼时的地表变形,开发了壁后注浆雷达实时检测技术,在衬砌拼装间隙检测注浆质量,动态调整注浆压力及注浆量,有效控制了地表沉降。同时,项目采用自动化监测和人工监测联合的监测方案,实时监测建筑及地表变形,并通过移动端手机应用实时掌握变形情况,可及时采取措施。利用雷达实时检测结果与地表监测结果,地上地下联动,地表沉降被控制在5 mm之内,最终基本实现了“微沉降”的目标,建筑物得到了良好的保护。Abstract: The settlement control of shield tunnels in the central cities crossing the old buildings is increasingly the focus of shield construction. Generally, the settlement control method is the secondary grouting according to the surface subsidence monitoring data, but deformations of surface and buildings have already occurred. In order to make up for the shortcomings of the traditional method, the construction control technology of "micro-settling" is put forward, which includes a real-time detection technology for grouting behind segments by using the radar and automatic monitoring and warning platform and takes measures before surface deformation. It is applied to the Wangsheren-Peijiaying interval tunnel of Jinan Rail Transit R3 line under-passing through the old buildings. The construction time of the buildings is mostly in the 70 s and 80 s of the twentieth century. Some of the walls are severely weathered, which greatly increases the difficulty to control the surface settlement and protect the buildings. Firstly, by using the three-dimensional finite element software PLAXIS 3D, the numerical simulation of the tunnel crossing the Suning Building and Agricultural Bank of China is carried out. It is considered that increasing the grouting pressure can effectively reduce the surface settlement. The simulated results are in good agreement with the monitoring data. Secondly, in order to control the surface deformation of the tunnel crossing the dormitories of Chemical Fertilizer Plant, the real-time detection technology of the post-grouting by radar is developed. The grouting quality is detected during segment fixing, and the grouting pressure and capacity are dynamically adjusted to effectively control the surface settlement. At the same time, the project uses a combination of automatic and manual monitoring devices to monitor real-time deformation of buildings and surface. The engineers can grasp the construction information through the mobile phone applications, and timely measures can be taken. Combing the real-time radar detection results and surface monitoring results, the ground settlement is controlled within 0~-5 mm, and finally the goal of “micro-settling” is achieved. The building has been well protected.
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52. 张亚明,陈东生,刘金龙,祝磊. 盾构隧道下穿既有框架结构建筑的影响分析. 安徽建筑大学学报. 2022(04): 48-52 . 百度学术
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54. 张晓斌,曲腾飞,柴隆,谢雄耀. 基于PS-InSAR技术的地铁施工地表沉降监测与分析. 建筑施工. 2022(11): 2787-2791 . 百度学术
55. 戴轩,郭旺,程雪松,霍海峰,刘国光. 盾构隧道平行侧穿诱发的建筑纵向沉降实测与模拟分析. 岩土力学. 2021(01): 233-244 . 百度学术
56. 周学彬. 地铁盾构斜穿建筑物桩基群施工关键技术研究. 建筑机械化. 2021(03): 24-28 . 百度学术
57. 夏志强,董少博,董克胜,凌可胜,沈威,方火浪. 双线地铁隧道盾构施工对地层与建筑结构影响研究. 现代城市轨道交通. 2021(04): 49-55 . 百度学术
58. 卓旭炀,李立云. 盾构隧道垂直下穿加油站的风险分析. 交通科技. 2021(02): 105-108 . 百度学术
59. 凌涛,刘云龙,彭学军,肖磊. 复杂城市环境地铁暗挖通道施工地表沉降控制技术. 工程建设. 2021(03): 49-54 . 百度学术
60. 赵勇,喻伟,张东,陈长胜,翟乾智,李宏波. 上软下硬地层盾构斜穿建筑群“仓-注”联合控制技术下的地表变形规律研究. 水利与建筑工程学报. 2021(02): 101-105 . 百度学术
61. 欧雪琴. 三维激光扫描技术的建筑物沉降在线预测系统. 国外电子测量技术. 2021(06): 21-25 . 百度学术
62. 张万国. 微型盾构下穿既有铁路和城市轻轨施工技术研究. 铁道建筑技术. 2021(08): 140-143+157 . 百度学术
63. 张顶立,曹利强,房倩. 城市隧道施工的环境力学响应预测及动态控制. 北京交通大学学报. 2021(04): 1-8 . 百度学术
64. 丁小彬,董耀俊. 基于正态分布理论的盾构掘进参数预警值的分析与计算. 科技通报. 2021(10): 106-111 . 百度学术
65. 吴恒生. 盾构法全断面富水砂卵石地层长距离下穿开元湖快速掘进施工技术. 施工技术(中英文). 2021(19): 49-53 . 百度学术
66. 何小华. 地铁盾构下穿建筑物群地层沉降控制技术. 交通世界. 2021(33): 79-80 . 百度学术
67. 谢雄耀,杨昌植,王强,曾里,侯剑锋,周彪. 南京和燕路过江通道盾构穿越长江大堤的沉降分析及控制研究. 岩石力学与工程学报. 2021(S2): 3313-3322 . 百度学术
68. 张亚洲,林志宇,马凝宇,贾方毅,闫晓. 砂卵石地层盾构隧道下穿施工对既有铁路框架桥的影响. 四川建筑. 2021(06): 101-104 . 百度学术
69. 杨凯钧. 盾构隧道穿既有建筑施工过程控制研究. 工程技术研究. 2020(06): 109-110 . 百度学术
70. 牟军东. 软土地层盾构近距穿越既有运营地铁引起的沉降变形分析. 中国水运(下半月). 2020(04): 179-181 . 百度学术
71. 陈传平. 盾构隧道下穿砖混建筑物群沉降控制案例分析. 水利水电技术. 2020(S1): 54-59 . 百度学术
72. 张磊. 盾构穿越运营高速公路施工引起的地表沉降与控制技术. 中国水运(下半月). 2020(08): 126-128 . 百度学术
73. 许燕峰. 新建地铁与既有线交叠区域地基处理加固分析. 铁道勘察. 2020(05): 51-57 . 百度学术
74. 郭海柱,白才仁. 深圳地铁13号线罗宝区间盾构掘进关键技术分析. 现代隧道技术. 2020(S1): 951-956 . 百度学术
75. 晁峰,油新华,郭小红,刘超,姚再峰. 暗挖隧道穿越回填土挡墙施工技术. 现代隧道技术. 2020(S1): 1107-1112 . 百度学术
76. 韩文君,严红霞,欧建军. 富水地层盾构下穿城市快速路隧道影响分析. 常州工学院学报. 2020(06): 9-13 . 百度学术
77. 包小华,章宇,徐长节,付艳斌,崔宏志,谢雄耀. 双线盾构隧道施工沉降影响因素分析. 重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版). 2020(03): 51-60 . 百度学术
78. 牟军东. 软土地层盾构近距穿越既有运营地铁引起的沉降变形分析. 中国水运(下半月). 2020(08): 179-181 . 百度学术
79. 张磊. 盾构穿越运营高速公路施工引起的地表沉降与控制技术. 中国水运(下半月). 2020(16): 126-128 . 百度学术
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