Review on damage causes and disaster mechanism of Daikai subway station during 1995 Osaka-Kobe Earthquake
摘要: 1995年日本阪神地震中,大开、长田、三宫、上泽和新长田等地铁车站以及区间隧道发生了程度不同的震害,特别是大开地铁车站震害极为严重,是迄今为止人类历史上首次记录到的几乎完全塌毁的大型地下结构震害事例,引起了人们对地下结构抗震问题的关注和重视。围绕大开地铁震害事例,国内外已开展了大量的理论、数值和试验研究工作,对震害机理和破坏模式等进行了深入、系统的解析,深化了对地下结构抗震性能的理解,但由于研究者们各自侧重的角度不同,资料的掌握和分析模型与方法上的差异,仍存在一些认识上的歧义,迄今并未形成一种系统性的共识。本文较为系统地从研究者们所采用的分析方法、分析模型及获得的相应结论等角度,回顾了围绕大开车站震害事例开展的研究工作,总结了地震动、场地特性及结构构造因素等对大开车站震害影响的分析成果,并对进一步深入分析大开车站震害现象以及地下结构抗震应解决的关键问题提出了建议。Abstract: During the 1995 Osaka-Kobe Earthquake, different degrees of damages were observed in Daikai, Nagata, Sannomiya, Kamisawa and Shin-nagata subway station and running tunnels. Among them, the earthquake damages at Daikai subway station were the most serious. It is the first large-scale underground structure that almost collapsed in the earthquake, which has aroused people’s concern and attention to the seismic issues of underground structures. A large number of theoretical, numerical and experimental studies about the earthquake damages on Daikai subway station have been carried out. These have enhanced the comprehension of the earthquake damage mechanism and the failure mode of underground structures. However, most researches have not reached a consensus so far regarding the damages of Daikai subway station owing to that their conclusions are based on different analysis aspects, diverse collections of the relevant information and dissimilar analysis methods and models. The researches on earthquake damages at Daikai subway station are reviewed. The effect of seismic motion, site conditions and structural characteristics on the earthquake damages of Daikai subway station are summarized. Furthermore, further studies on the in-depth analysis of earthquake damages at Daikai subway station and the key seismic issues of the underground structures are proposed.