Finite element analysis of settlement of buried natural gas pipelines
摘要: 埋地管道由于铺设在土体中,受力状态较地上管道复杂,尤其是敷设在软土地基上的管道,地基对管道承载能力差,管道将随着时间发生沉降现象。对某铺设在软土地基上的管道沉降进行现场测试及理论研究,运用ANSYS有限元分析软件进行模型建立,分析了不同的土质和内压等条件下管道的初始应力,得到了各影响因素对管道应力和位移的影响规律,可作为防治管线沉降参考。Abstract: The settlement of the buried natural gas pipelines is investigated. The load on the pipelines buried in ground, especially in soft and plastic soil ground, is much more complicated than that on the ground. Because of the pool load bearing capacity of the ground, the pipeline will settle with time. The settlement and stress of the buried pipelines are investigated based on the theories and experiments, and the FEM is used to analyze the stress distribution and displacement of the settled pipelines under different conditions such as soil properties and operation pressure. The results may be used as reference to protect the settlement of pipelines.
- buried pipeline /
- settlement /
- stress analysis
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