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汪为巍, 杨保存, 王荣

汪为巍, 杨保存, 王荣. 南疆盐渍土地区城区道路病害规律研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(zk1): 253-258.
引用本文: 汪为巍, 杨保存, 王荣. 南疆盐渍土地区城区道路病害规律研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(zk1): 253-258.
WANG Wei-wei, YANG Bao-cun, WANG Rong. Road diseases in southern saline soil areas of Xinjiang[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(zk1): 253-258.
Citation: WANG Wei-wei, YANG Bao-cun, WANG Rong. Road diseases in southern saline soil areas of Xinjiang[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(zk1): 253-258.

南疆盐渍土地区城区道路病害规律研究  English Version


    汪为巍(1981- ),男,安徽人,博士研究生,2006年毕业于中南大学,毕业后在高校从事教学与科研工作,现为中科院武汉岩土所岩土工程专业博士研究生。E-mail: 1464427693@qq.com。

  • 中图分类号: U418;TU448

Road diseases in southern saline soil areas of Xinjiang

  • 摘要: 盐胀-冻胀使新疆公路路基、路面每年都随季节产生不同程度的破坏,造成很大的经济损失。为直观了解盐渍土地区城市道路病害及其发展规律,选定新疆阿拉尔市城市主干道做了长期的观测。对观测结果进行总结与分析,得出其规律性:盐渍土地区城市道路病害与时间有相对应的关系,时间越长路面破坏现象越明显;较大的车流量对沥青混凝土路面的膨胀有明显的抑制作用;路面的病害随着季节循环,并与冬季温度有直接关系;路面破坏先从路边开始向路中心逐渐发展;路面病害形式主要表现为开裂和凸起,多数情况下开裂和凸起是交织在一起;路面纵向裂缝比横向裂缝发育更明显;冬季路中央的裂缝有冒水现象;路面的各向裂缝最终会相互连通形成网状。
    Abstract: Salt-frost deformation in highways of Xinjiang produces different degrees of damage with seasons every year, resulting in great economic losses. For understanding the laws of the disease development of city roads in saline soil areas, a long-term observation on the main city road of Alar is carried out. The observation data are summarized and analyzed, and some conclusions are drawn as follows: the city road diseases in saline soil areas have corresponding relationship with time, and the more obvious the road damage is, the longer the time is; larger traffic volume significantly inhibits the expansion of asphalt concrete pavement; the road diseases vary with the seasons and relate directly with the winter temperature; the road diseases gradually develop from the roadsides to the center of the road; the form of pavement diseases mainly includes cracking and raising, and cracking and raising usually occur together; the development of longitudinal cracks are more obvious than that of transverse cracks; there is water coming from the crack of the road centre in winter; the road cracks will eventually be connected with each other to form a mesh.
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  • 收稿日期:  2013-05-19
  • 发布日期:  2013-07-18


