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查甫生, 林志月, 崔可锐

查甫生, 林志月, 崔可锐. 深开挖卸载条件下基坑应力和变形特性的数值分析[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(zk1): 484-488.
引用本文: 查甫生, 林志月, 崔可锐. 深开挖卸载条件下基坑应力和变形特性的数值分析[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(zk1): 484-488.
ZHA Fu-sheng, LIN Zhi-yue, CUI Ke-rui. Numerical analysis of stress and deformation characteristics of foundation pits under deep excavation[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(zk1): 484-488.
Citation: ZHA Fu-sheng, LIN Zhi-yue, CUI Ke-rui. Numerical analysis of stress and deformation characteristics of foundation pits under deep excavation[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(zk1): 484-488.

深开挖卸载条件下基坑应力和变形特性的数值分析  English Version

基金项目: 合肥工业大学科研发展基金项目(2010HGXJ0052)

    查甫生(1978- ),男,博士,副教授,主要从事环境岩土工程与非饱和土方面的教学与科研工作。Email: zhafusheng@163.com。

  • 中图分类号: TU473

Numerical analysis of stress and deformation characteristics of foundation pits under deep excavation

  • 摘要: 随着工程建设的不断发展,深基坑工程层见叠出,而深基坑坑底一般会有密集的工程桩。目前,国内外对于坑底工程桩的研究尚不全面,实际工程中常因对此了解不深而开挖不合理产生工程事故或盲目打桩导致资源浪费。主要以坑底无桩和坑底群桩两种基坑为研究对象,通过有限元软件ABAQUS,对比分析了开挖结束时墙后地表位移,坑底土体隆起,围护结构变形、弯矩以及侧向土压力的变化,分别得出了深开挖卸载条件下基坑的变形性状和围护结构的应力特征;最后考虑坑底单桩的模型,分析了不同开挖步骤时桩土相对位移、桩身轴力和侧摩阻力的变化,得出了深开挖卸载条件下桩基的受力特性。
    Abstract: With the rapid development of engineering construction, more and more deep foundation pits have occurred, while there are usually intensive engineering piles in the bottom of deep excavation. At present, the researches on engineering piles in the bottom of excavation are not comprehensive at home and abroad, and construction accidents are often caused because of unreasonable excavation or wasting resources due to blind piling with little understanding of this in actual engineering. For two cases of no piles and pile groups in the bottom of excavation, the changes of ground displacement, soil uplift on the bottom of excavation, structural deformation, structural moment and lateral earth pressure are compared by means of the finite element software ABAQUS. The deformation behaviors of the foundation pit and the stress characteristics of retaining structures are investigated under deep excavation unloading conditions. Finally, the changes of pile-soil relative slip, pile shaft axial force and skin friction under various excavation steps are analyzed, and the stress characteristics of the piled foundation under excavation unloading conditions are gained.
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  • 收稿日期:  2013-03-01
  • 发布日期:  2013-07-18


