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朱斌, 应盼盼, 郭俊科, 张文龙, 孔德琼, 陈云敏

朱斌, 应盼盼, 郭俊科, 张文龙, 孔德琼, 陈云敏. 海上风电机组吸力式桶形基础承载力分析与设计[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(zk1): 443-450.
引用本文: 朱斌, 应盼盼, 郭俊科, 张文龙, 孔德琼, 陈云敏. 海上风电机组吸力式桶形基础承载力分析与设计[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(zk1): 443-450.
ZHU Bin, YING Pan-pan, GUO Jun-ke, ZHANG Wen-long, KONG De-qiong, CHEN Yun-min. Analysis and design of bearing capacity of suction caisson foundations of offshore wind turbines[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(zk1): 443-450.
Citation: ZHU Bin, YING Pan-pan, GUO Jun-ke, ZHANG Wen-long, KONG De-qiong, CHEN Yun-min. Analysis and design of bearing capacity of suction caisson foundations of offshore wind turbines[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(zk1): 443-450.

海上风电机组吸力式桶形基础承载力分析与设计  English Version

基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(51179169,50979097);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(2012FZA4019);浙江省重点创新团队支持计划项目(2009R50050)

    朱 斌(1977- ),男,教授,博士生导师,主要从事海洋岩土工程等方面的教学和科研。E-mail: binzhu@zju.edu.cn。

  • 中图分类号: TU43

Analysis and design of bearing capacity of suction caisson foundations of offshore wind turbines

  • 摘要: 吸力式桶形基础由于施工方便的优势将成为海上风电机组的一种重要基础型式。针对海上风电机组承受巨大倾覆弯矩荷载的受荷特性,基于单桶基础模型试验获得的变形模式和桶-土相互作用力,提出了单桶基础基于变形控制的倾覆弯矩承载力分析方法,突破了现有基于极限状态的承载力分析方法;基于多桶基础模型试验及相应的排水状况分析,提出了多桶基础倾覆弯矩承载力分析方法。从而为海上风机吸力式单桶基础和多桶基础承载力分析提供了有效方法。桶体高宽比和直径及单桶直径和桶间距分别决定了风机单桶和多桶基础的倾覆弯矩承载力。在一次典型风暴潮下,粉土地基中风机多桶基础桶内的负压来不及消散,其承载力可按不排水情况进行分析,此时桶内负压的存在将大幅提高多桶基础的整体抗倾覆性能。最后将所提出的承载力分析方法应用于某典型海上风机的基础设计中,供类似工程借鉴参考。
    Abstract: The suction caisson foundation is an important option for offshore wind turbines owing to its advantages of quick and convenient installation. With regard to the load characteristics of offshore wind turbines subjected to huge overturning moment loading, an approach for overturning bearing capacity of the mono-caisson based on deformation is proposed according to the model tests deformation mode and the soil-structure interaction of the mono-caisson foundation. The approach is different from the existing approaches for the ultimate bearing capacity. An approach for the overturning bearing capacity of multi-caisson foundations is also presented based on the multi-caisson model tests. The overturning bearing capacity of the mono-caisson is decided by the aspect ratio and the diameter, while that of the multi-caisson is depended on the diameter of the caisson and the spacing between the caissons. During a typical storm, the suction inside the caisson in silt is unable to dissipate. Thus its moment capacity can be analyzed as that under the undrained condition. The negative pressure will cause a substantial increase in the capacity of multi-caisson foundation against overturning moment. A typical wind turbine is taken as an example to carry out the calculation and design work utilizing the approaches mentioned above. This study can be a reference for similar real projects.
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  • 收稿日期:  2013-03-01
  • 发布日期:  2013-07-18


