Experimental study on dynamic properties of asphalt concrete core material
摘要: 对沥青混凝土心墙材料进行不同温度、围压及固结比的动力试验,研究了沥青混凝土心墙材料的动力特性。研究结果表明,在相同的试验条件下,沥青混凝土心墙材料动弹性模量受动应变幅值的影响较小,动应力-动应变骨干曲线近似为直线,可以采用通过原点的直线来描述其骨干曲线,取直线的斜率作为这一状态下的动模量;在相同的试验温度与应力比条件下,动弹模量Ed与平均固结应力σm可以建立关系式Ed=kpa(σm/pa)n;沥青混凝土是典型的流变材料,随着温度的升高,沥青混凝土逐渐由弹性向黏弹性转变,动模量逐渐降低,阻尼比增大。Abstract: To study the dynamic properties of asphalt concrete core materials, a series of dynamic triaxial experiments are conducted under different cell pressures, temperatures and consolidation ratios. The results show that dynamic elastic modulus is less affected by the extent of dynamic strain under the same experimental conditions. The stress-strain backbone curve can be described by a straight line through the origin, the slope of which is regard as the elastic modulus. The formula Ed=kpa(σm/pa)npresents the relationship of elastic modulus and mean sustained stress under the same temperature and stress ratio. Due to the rheological properties of asphalt concrete core materials, the elastic modulus decreases and the damping ratio increases with the rising of the temperature.
- asphalt concrete core /
- dynamic triaxial test /
- dynamic modulus /
- damping ratio
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