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拓勇飞, 舒恒, 郭小红, 丁文其, 王建

拓勇飞, 舒恒, 郭小红, 丁文其, 王建. 超高水压大直径盾构隧道管片接缝防水设计与试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(zk1): 227-231.
引用本文: 拓勇飞, 舒恒, 郭小红, 丁文其, 王建. 超高水压大直径盾构隧道管片接缝防水设计与试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(zk1): 227-231.
TUO Yong-fei, SHU Heng, GUO Xiao-hong, DING Wen-qi, WANG Jian. Design and experimental study on waterproof gasket of large-diameter shield tunnel under ultra high water pressure[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(zk1): 227-231.
Citation: TUO Yong-fei, SHU Heng, GUO Xiao-hong, DING Wen-qi, WANG Jian. Design and experimental study on waterproof gasket of large-diameter shield tunnel under ultra high water pressure[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(zk1): 227-231.

超高水压大直径盾构隧道管片接缝防水设计与试验研究  English Version


    拓勇飞(1976- ),男,陕西子洲人,高级工程师,主要从事隧道与地下工程等方面的设计与研究工作。E-mail: tuoyongfei@163.com。

  • 中图分类号: U455.43

Design and experimental study on waterproof gasket of large-diameter shield tunnel under ultra high water pressure

  • 摘要: 针对目前国内承受水压最高的大直径盾构隧道工程,提出一套较系统的弹性密封垫设计流程与研究方法,研究该类管片接缝防水的规律。首先,基于国内外现有研究成果,结合工程特点,确定了超高水压大直径盾构管片接缝防水双道弹性体的布置方式;其次,对防水技术标准进行研究,为深入分析弹性密封垫的相关设计内容与试验成果奠定基础;再次,重点对弹性密封垫的断面形式进行多方案比选分析;最后,通过独特的试验系统与试验方法,对不同断面的弹性密封垫进行高水压防水能力试验以及密封垫装配力试验,综合分析试验成果,最终确定最优防水设计方案。
    Abstract: For the project of large-diameter shield tunnel under the highest water pressure in China, a set of design process and research method is proposed for the waterproof gasket for segment joints, and the related pattern is studied. First of all, based on the worldwide research progress, combined with the engineering characteristics, a double seal elastomer arrangement for segment joint waterproof gasket of large-diameter shield tunnel under the ultra high water pressure is determined. Secondly, the technical standard of waterproof is studied, and it lays the basis for further analysis of the elastic gasket design and experiment. Thirdly, comparative analysis of several sections of elastic seal gaskets is performed. Finally, a set of unique device and method is adopted, performing the experiments on the waterproof ability and assembly force of the gaskets, and through the comprehensive analysis of the experiment data, the optimal design scheme of the waterproof gasket for segment joint is determined.
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  • 文章访问数:  505
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  • 收稿日期:  2013-04-07
  • 发布日期:  2013-07-18


