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陈琼, 项伟, 崔德山, 刘清秉, 张茜

陈琼, 项伟, 崔德山, 刘清秉, 张茜. 黄土坡滑坡滑带土氮气与水蒸气吸附试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(4): 691-696.
引用本文: 陈琼, 项伟, 崔德山, 刘清秉, 张茜. 黄土坡滑坡滑带土氮气与水蒸气吸附试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(4): 691-696.
CHEN Qiong, XIANG Wei, CUI De-shan, LIU Qing-bing, ZHANG Qian. Adsorption of nitrogen and water vapor by sliding zone soils of Huangtupo landslide[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(4): 691-696.
Citation: CHEN Qiong, XIANG Wei, CUI De-shan, LIU Qing-bing, ZHANG Qian. Adsorption of nitrogen and water vapor by sliding zone soils of Huangtupo landslide[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(4): 691-696.

黄土坡滑坡滑带土氮气与水蒸气吸附试验研究  English Version

基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(41002102,41272308,41202199, 40972185)

    陈 琼(1983- ),女,湖北监利人,博士,主要从事岩土体工程性质的试验研究。E-mail: chenqiong83@yahoo.com.cn。

  • 中图分类号: TU47

Adsorption of nitrogen and water vapor by sliding zone soils of Huangtupo landslide

  • 摘要: 研究滑坡滑带土吸附特性对滑坡稳定性评价和滑坡防治设计具有重要意义。为了研究黄土坡滑坡滑带土在水蒸气和氮气吸附质环境下的吸附特性,采用全自动比表面积和孔径分析仪,对105℃烘干和真空冷冻干燥后的滑带土在293 K条件下进行水蒸气等温吸附试验,在77 K条件下进行氮气等温吸附试验。分别采用BET理论和Frenkel-Halsey-Hill(FHH)理论计算了滑带土水蒸气吸附和氮气吸附的比表面积和孔隙分形维数。研究结果表明:采用水蒸气吸附法测得的滑带土比表面积比采用氮气吸附法测得的比表面积大,且单位质量的滑带土对水蒸气的吸附量比氮气的吸附量多。说明水蒸气分子较小,可以进入微孔隙,由于水蒸气具有极性,可吸附在黏土矿物表面和晶层间,使黏土矿物表面阳离子水化,使吸附结合水表面更平滑。氮气分子较大,不能进入所有水蒸气可以进入的孔隙,与黏土颗粒作用力非常弱,且氮气分子可以进入的孔隙的表面似乎更不均匀。烘干样中黏土形成氢键的能力减小,导致其吸附水蒸气的能力弱于冻干样。
    Abstract: In order to study the adsorption of water vapor and nitrogen by sliding zone soils of Huangtupo landslide, the specific surface area and pore size analyzer instrument of Autosorb-iQ of United States and the F-sorb3400 of China are taken. The adsorption tests on water vapor at 293 K and nitrogen at 77 K under drying samples and vacuum freeze-dried samples of sliding zone soils are carried out. The theories of Brunauer-Emmet and Teller (BET) and Frenkel-Halsey-Hill (FHH) are taken to calculate the specific surface area and surface fractal dimension. The test results show that the specific surface area calculated by water vapor adsorption is larger than that by nitrogen. The adsorption volume of water vapor on per unit mass sliding zone soils is more than that of nitrogen. It is found that smaller water vapor molecules can get into the micropore and adsorb on the clay mineral surfaces and intralayer with function of polar, which makes the surface cations of clay mineral hydrate and makes the adsorbed water surface more smooth. On the contrary, the bigger nitrogen molecules cannot get into all the micropore and the surface of nitrogen adsorbed seems to be more uneven. The adsorption capacity of water vapor in dried samples is weaker than that of the freeze-dried samples because of weak hydrogen bonds.
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  • 收稿日期:  2012-06-27
  • 发布日期:  2013-04-17


