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施建勇, 钱学德, 朱保坤

施建勇, 钱学德, 朱保坤. 大型斜面剪切仪的研制和试验[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(4): 754-761.
引用本文: 施建勇, 钱学德, 朱保坤. 大型斜面剪切仪的研制和试验[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(4): 754-761.
SHI Jian-yong, QIAN Xue-de, ZHU Bao-kun. Development and tests of large-scale inclined direct shear apparatus[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(4): 754-761.
Citation: SHI Jian-yong, QIAN Xue-de, ZHU Bao-kun. Development and tests of large-scale inclined direct shear apparatus[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 35(4): 754-761.

大型斜面剪切仪的研制和试验  English Version

基金项目: 2008年Muller等<sup>[1]</sup>研制了坡度1∶2.5斜面剪切仪,可进行试样尺寸120 mm×120 mm的土工合成黏土衬垫(GCL)长期剪切强度试验;用斜面剪切试验模拟位于斜坡上土体或衬垫界面剪切特性的相关研究还很少。水平面剪切试验较常见,近年来又有新的改进:张建民等<sup>[2]</sup>在原有的大型土与结构接触面循环加载剪切试验基础上<sup>[3-4]</sup>研制了可进行三维加载的动力剪切试验设备,并进行了可重复的试验研究;李邵军等<sup>[5]</sup>在大型直剪试验系统平台上,设计局部可透视的刚性剪切盒和数据采集分析系统,通过高清数码摄像实时采集剪切试验过程中接触面剪切带的数字图像,获得剪切带的变形和厚度,能实现剪切带变形的可视化与定量化。平面剪切试验还常用于卫生填埋工程衬垫系统、加筋体系中筋材与土体的剪切特性试验研究<sup>[6-11]</sup>。笔者在国家自然科学基金资助下研制了大型斜面剪切仪,开展了相关的研究尝试。

    施建勇(1965- ),男,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事城市卫生填埋问题研究。E-mail: soft-ground@hhu.edu.cn。

  • 中图分类号: TU41

Development and tests of large-scale inclined direct shear apparatus

  • 摘要: 位于垃圾填埋场斜坡上的衬垫结构在垂直应力作用下沿斜坡滑移的剪切状态与底坡上衬垫结构的不同,为了模拟斜坡上衬垫结构间剪切特性,研制了斜面剪切仪。通过对标准砂和黏土的大型斜面和普通直剪剪切试验,发现两种试验得到的标准砂和黏土剪切应力位移特性基本相同,强度指标也相同。在此基础上,进行了光面HDPE土工膜与黏土复合衬垫界面斜面剪切试验,得到的剪应力与正应力比-位移曲线均有峰值和峰值后的软化现象。斜面剪切试验的特点是能够得到剪切面上法向应力和剪切应力同时增加的变化规律,可以揭示更详细的剪切特征,这有利于分析剪切过程中剪切面上法向应力和剪切应力的特性,如剪切面上法向应力和剪切应力变化规律以及剪切面上法向应力和剪切应力比的变化规律。
    Abstract: The shearing status for the landfill liner system located on the slope is different from that located on the bottom floor. A large-diameter inclined direct shear apparatus is designed to simulate liner shearing on various slopes. The comparative tests between the inclined and traditional direct shear apparatuses are conducted using the standard sand and the selected clay. It is found that both the displacement behavior and the shear strength of the standard sand and the selected clay obtained from the inclined and traditional direct shear tests are basically the same. More inclined shear tests are conducted for a composite liner interface between smooth HDPE geomembrane and compacted clay. All curves of the ratio of shear to normal stresses vs. the displacement under various vertical pressures show strain-softening behavior in the inclined shear test. The advantage of the inclined shear test is that more detailed shearing characteristics regarding changes of the normal and shear stresses on the shearing plane and the ratio of the shear to normal stresses can be investigated.
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  • 收稿日期:  2012-04-09
  • 发布日期:  2013-04-17


