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边学成, 蒋红光, 金皖锋, 蒋建群, 陈仁朋, 陈云敏

边学成, 蒋红光, 金皖锋, 蒋建群, 陈仁朋, 陈云敏. 板式轨道–路基相互作用及荷载传递规律的物理模型试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2012, 34(8): 1488-1495.
引用本文: 边学成, 蒋红光, 金皖锋, 蒋建群, 陈仁朋, 陈云敏. 板式轨道–路基相互作用及荷载传递规律的物理模型试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2012, 34(8): 1488-1495.
BIAN Xue-cheng, JIANG Hong-guang, JIN Wan-feng, JIANG Jian-qun, CHEN Ren-peng, CHEN Yun-min. Full-scale model tests on slab track-subgrade interaction and load transfer in track system[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 34(8): 1488-1495.
Citation: BIAN Xue-cheng, JIANG Hong-guang, JIN Wan-feng, JIANG Jian-qun, CHEN Ren-peng, CHEN Yun-min. Full-scale model tests on slab track-subgrade interaction and load transfer in track system[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 34(8): 1488-1495.

板式轨道–路基相互作用及荷载传递规律的物理模型试验研究  English Version

基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(51178418);“十一五”高速铁路国家科技支撑计划项目(2009BAG12A01-B12-3)

    边学成(1976– ),男,浙江诸暨人,博士,副教授,博士生导师,主要从事土动力学、路基工程及交通岩土工程等方面的研究与教学工作。

  • 中图分类号: TU470

Full-scale model tests on slab track-subgrade interaction and load transfer in track system

  • 摘要: 全面地介绍了一种全比尺路基动力试验装置,可用于轨道结构与路基之间的动力相互作用以及路基和地基长期变形等方面的试验研究,报告了前期试验中针对高速铁路板式轨道与路基的动力相互作用以及列车轮轴荷载在轨道结构和路基中传递规律的一些重要结果。首先,总结了试验中列车荷载传递到轨道板上的分布规律,通过与理论模型的对比分析,提出了一种简便可靠的荷载分布简化模式用于路基的动静力分析;其次,分析了轨道结构和路基的动力响应与加载频率之间的关联性,并通过集中质量模型讨论了共振发生机理和共振频率的确定方法,结果表明系统存在一个共振频率在16 Hz左右,此时系统的各项动力响应达到最大;最后,通过不同频率加载试验确定了路基中沿深度方向动力附加荷载的衰减特性与加载频率之间的相关性。作为研究高速铁路路基和地基的一种有力的综合试验装置,该设备产生的大量试验数据将为进一步研究高速铁路路基中的岩土工程问题提供重要的支撑作用。
    Abstract: The interaction between track structure and subgrade under dynamic trains, a typical issue of soil-structure interaction, threatens the safety of high-speed trains and long-term durability of subgrade. Dynamic experimental equipment for subgrade of high-speed railways is introduced, which can be used to carry out tests on the interaction of track structure-subgrade system and long-term deformation of subgrade and foundation. The load transfer law of trains is proposed based on the load distribution tests on fastening systems. Compared with the theoretical results, a simplified formula for load distribution is given for mechanical analysis of subgrade. Meanwhile, the relationship between dynamic response of track structure and subgrade and loading frequency is summarized, and the resonance mechanism is discussed using the concentrated mass model. The results show that the first-order natural frequency of the system is 16 Hz approximately. Finally, the relationship between attenuation law of dynamic stress of subgrade at different depths and loading frequency is put forward through dynamic loading tests. As a powerful and comprehensive test equipment, it would provide an important support for future researches on geotechnical engineering problems of subgrades of high-speed railways.
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  • 收稿日期:  2011-10-27
  • 发布日期:  2012-08-19


