LOSSAP: spreadsheet approach for slope stability analysis
摘要: 边坡稳定分析的电子表格法充分利用了电子表格的计算能力和规划求解功能,程序简单易用、计算过程透明、可自校核。采用了数据捕捉和VBA函数的电子表格法LOSSAP使得计算过程具有很高程度的自动化,能够从AutoCAD中自动获取边坡几何信息以及自动计算条块的相关数据。目前该程序能实现指定滑裂面的考虑外荷载、地震力、孔压、不同形式滑裂面的多种边坡稳定分析方法的计算,是一个方便、实用、免费共享的边坡稳定分析工具。Abstract: The spreadsheet method for slope stability analysis based on Excel takes the advantages of powerful calculation function of the spreadsheet. It is easy-to-understand and self-explanatory. The powerful optimization tool of Excel is employed to obtain the factor of safety of the slope. The digitized geometrical information of the slope and slip slices can be obtained and written to a data file by a program developed by AutoLisp language in Autocad. The spreadsheet will deal with that data and calculate the basic data for slope stability analysis by user-defined VBA subroutines or functions. Different limit equilibrium methods for slope stability analysis are arranged in different sheets and solved by “solver tool” of Excel. The spreadsheet program is an easy tool which can acquire the factor of safety of specified slide surface under different situations.
- slope stability /
- limit equilibrium /
- spreadsheet /
- programming
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