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曲宏略, 张建经

曲宏略, 张建经. 地基条件对挡土墙地震土压力影响的振动台试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2012, 34(7): 1227-1233.
引用本文: 曲宏略, 张建经. 地基条件对挡土墙地震土压力影响的振动台试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2012, 34(7): 1227-1233.
QU Hong-lue, ZHANG Jian-jing. Shaking table tests on influence of site conditions on seismic earth pressures of retaining wall[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 34(7): 1227-1233.
Citation: QU Hong-lue, ZHANG Jian-jing. Shaking table tests on influence of site conditions on seismic earth pressures of retaining wall[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 34(7): 1227-1233.

地基条件对挡土墙地震土压力影响的振动台试验研究  English Version

基金项目: 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划(41030742);铁道部科技研究开发计划(2009G010-C)

    曲宏略(1984– ),男,山东青州人,博士研究生,主要从事岩土工程结构抗震研究。E-mail: HYPERLINK "mailto:93318620@qq.com" 93318620@qq.com 。

  • 中图分类号: TU411

Shaking table tests on influence of site conditions on seismic earth pressures of retaining wall

  • 摘要: 地震土压力研究是挡土墙抗震设计的核心内容。汶川地震震害调查发现建于土质地基上的挡土墙较建于岩质上的更易发生震害,因此,研究地基条件对挡土墙地震土压力的影响是十分必要的,然而目前许多国家的铁路或公路抗震设计规范中未包含地基条件对挡土墙地震土压力的影响。鉴于此,为了深入了解地基条件对挡土墙地震土压力的影响,利用大型振动台试验这一最能直接反映地震响应特征的动力研究手段,就地基条件对挡土墙地震土压力的分布形式、合力大小、合力作用点位置的影响开展研究,并把实测结果与几个国家的抗震设计规范进行了对比,提出了挡土墙的抗震设计建议。
    Abstract: Theresearch on seismic earth pressure is the core content of aseismic design of retaining walls. By investigating the seismic hazards induced by Wenchuan Earthquake, it is found that the retaining walls constructed on soil sites are easier to be damaged compared with those on rock sites. In view of this, it is very necessary to carry out researches on the influences of site conditions on the seismic earth pressures of retaining walls. But now, the codes for the aseismic design of railways and highways in many countries don’t consider it. Large-scale shaking table tests, therefore, are performed to strengthen the understanding of the influences of site conditions on the seismic earth pressures of retaining walls. In the tests, the distribution of earth pressures, and the values and locations of resultant seismic earth pressures are measured. The reason for performing large shaking table tests is that the tests are the most direct research approach to study seismic responses of structures. In addition, by comparison of the measured and calculated values by codes for the aseismic design in several countries, some suggestions on the aseismic design of retaining walls are proposed.
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  • 收稿日期:  2011-08-22
  • 发布日期:  2012-07-24


