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施锡林, 李银平, 杨春和, 屈丹安, 杨海军, 马洪岭

施锡林, 李银平, 杨春和, 屈丹安, 杨海军, 马洪岭. 多夹层盐矿油气储库水溶建腔夹层垮塌控制技术[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(12): 1957-1963.
引用本文: 施锡林, 李银平, 杨春和, 屈丹安, 杨海军, 马洪岭. 多夹层盐矿油气储库水溶建腔夹层垮塌控制技术[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(12): 1957-1963.
shi Xi-lin, li Yin-ping, yang Chun-he, qu Dan-an, yang Hai-jun, MA H ong-ling. Collapse control technology for interbeds in solution mining for oil/gas storage in multi-interbedded salt formation[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(12): 1957-1963.
Citation: shi Xi-lin, li Yin-ping, yang Chun-he, qu Dan-an, yang Hai-jun, MA H ong-ling. Collapse control technology for interbeds in solution mining for oil/gas storage in multi-interbedded salt formation[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(12): 1957-1963.

多夹层盐矿油气储库水溶建腔夹层垮塌控制技术  English Version

基金项目: 国家重点基础研究发展计划( 973 )项目( 2009CB724602 , 2009CB724603 );国家杰出青年科学基金 项目 ( 50725414 ); 国家自然科学基金项目 ( 50774076 )

    施锡林 (1983 – ) ,男,博士,主要从事石油天然气地下储备方面的研究工作。

  • 中图分类号: TD313

Collapse control technology for interbeds in solution mining for oil/gas storage in multi-interbedded salt formation

  • 摘要: 针对多夹层盐矿油气储库水溶建腔过程中遇到的难溶夹层处理的重大技术难题,提出了难溶夹层直接顶板极限跨度的计算方法,揭示了腔体溶蚀策略对夹层垮塌的影响规律,给出了调控难溶夹层垮塌时间的若干措施。综合相关研究成果并结合单井对流水溶建腔工艺,提出了适用于多夹层盐矿水溶建腔的难溶夹层垮塌控制技术。并以金坛储气库某腔体为例阐述了夹层垮塌控制在增大腔体有效容积中的应用。
    Abstract: In order to solve the technical problem of how to deal with the insoluble interbeds during solution mining for oil/gas storage in multi-interbedded salt formation, a method for calculating the limit span of interbed roof is presented. The influence laws of salt cavern leaching tactics on interbed collapse are revealed, and several technical measures to regulate and control collapse time of interbeds are given. According to the relevant research results and considering the technical characteristics of solution mining by means of the single well convection method, the collapse control technology for interbeds in solution mining for oil/gas storage in multi-interbedded salt formation is proposed. Finally, the application of collapse control technology for interbeds in increasing the available volume of caverns is illustrated by taking a salt cavern of Jintan as an example.
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  • 发布日期:  2011-12-14


