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张强勇, 杨文东, 陈 芳, 李文纲, 王建洪

张强勇, 杨文东, 陈 芳, 李文纲, 王建洪. 硬脆性岩石的流变长期强度及细观破裂机制分析研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(12): 1910-1918.
引用本文: 张强勇, 杨文东, 陈 芳, 李文纲, 王建洪. 硬脆性岩石的流变长期强度及细观破裂机制分析研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(12): 1910-1918.
ZHANG Qiang-yong, YANG Wen-dong, CHEN Fang, LI Wen-gang, WANG Jian-hong. Long-term strength and microscopic failure mechanism of hard brittle rocks[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(12): 1910-1918.
Citation: ZHANG Qiang-yong, YANG Wen-dong, CHEN Fang, LI Wen-gang, WANG Jian-hong. Long-term strength and microscopic failure mechanism of hard brittle rocks[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(12): 1910-1918.

硬脆性岩石的流变长期强度及细观破裂机制分析研究  English Version

基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目( 41172268 ); 国家重点基础研究发展计划项目( 2009CB724607 ); 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划 项目 ( NCET-08-0336 )

    张强勇 (1967 – ) ,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事岩土与结构工程的教学和科研工作。

  • 中图分类号: TU45

Long-term strength and microscopic failure mechanism of hard brittle rocks

  • 摘要: 岩石的流变力学特性是影响水电坝基稳定性的重要因素,而流变长期强度是评价坝基岩体长期稳定性的重要指标 。根据大岗山水电站坝基辉绿岩的三轴流变试验结果,分别用等时应力–应变曲线簇法、非稳定蠕变判别法、流变体积应变法和加卸载流变残余应变法进行了硬脆性辉绿岩流变长期强度的分析。结果表明:对于完整辉绿岩的长期强度, 4 种方法得出的结果较为一致;而对于含裂隙辉绿岩,流变体积应变法得出的结果与实际情况更为相符。通过对破裂辉绿岩的电镜扫描观察,发现辉绿岩的长期宏观强度主要取决于岩体内部矿物颗粒镶嵌组合的牢固程度及矿物之间的胶结程度。
    Abstract: The rheological property of rocks is an important factor affecting the stability of dam foundation. The rheological long-term strength is an important mechanical index for evaluating the long stability of dam foundation. The rheological long-term strength of diabase is analyzed by using the stress-strain isochronous curve method, unsteady creep discriminated method, rheological volume strain method and loading-unloading rheological residual strain method according to the triaxial rheological test results of diabase at the dam area of Dagangshan Hydropower Station. The results show that the four methods are all applicable to the long-term strength assessment of complete rock samples, but the results from the rheological volume strain method are more consistent with the actual situation for the jointed rock samples. The scanning electron microscope observation of rock failure samples shows that the long-term macro strength of diabase is mainly determined by the fastness degree of mosaic combination structure in mineral grain and cementation degree between different minerals.
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  • 发布日期:  2011-12-14


