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王 斌, 赵伏军, 尹土兵

王 斌, 赵伏军, 尹土兵. 基于饱水岩石静动力学试验的水防治屈曲型岩爆分析[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(12): 1863-1869.
引用本文: 王 斌, 赵伏军, 尹土兵. 基于饱水岩石静动力学试验的水防治屈曲型岩爆分析[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(12): 1863-1869.
WANG Bin, ZHAO Fu-jun, YIN Tu-bing. Prevention of buckling rockburst with water based on statics and dynamics experiments on water-saturated rock[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(12): 1863-1869.
Citation: WANG Bin, ZHAO Fu-jun, YIN Tu-bing. Prevention of buckling rockburst with water based on statics and dynamics experiments on water-saturated rock[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(12): 1863-1869.

基于饱水岩石静动力学试验的水防治屈曲型岩爆分析  English Version

基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目( 50974059 , 50934006 );国家重点基础研究计划( 973 计划)项目( 2010CB732004 )

    王 斌 (1975 – ) ,男,广东梅县人,博士,讲师,从事采矿与岩石力学研究。

  • 中图分类号: TU45

Prevention of buckling rockburst with water based on statics and dynamics experiments on water-saturated rock

  • 摘要: 岩爆发生涉及岩石动力学与岩石静力学两方面的范畴,水防治岩爆动力学机制研究极少。在对开阳磷矿饱水砂岩静力学与动力学试验的基础上,基于饱水岩石的静态和动态破坏特征,从围岩结构效应、应力波边界效应和能量原理等角度,探讨了水防治层裂屈曲型岩爆的静力学与动力学机制。饱水砂岩的静态破坏表现为张拉与张剪等综合破坏形式,在一定程度上能抑制岩体劈裂成板的形成,从而破坏层裂屈曲型岩爆孕育的过程。水影响下的砂岩动态力学性能显著提高,遇水软化巷道的应力波边界效应影响围岩非主要承载结构,遇水围岩仍具有相当的承载能力,从而抑制层裂屈曲型岩爆的发生。饱水砂岩动态破坏块度要明显大于自然风干的岩样,同时饱水岩体积聚弹性能的能力下降,故能抑制洞室层裂屈曲岩爆的岩块弹射。
    Abstract: Rockburst involves both rock statics and rock dynamics factors. Its prevention mechanism by means of water is rarely studied on the basis of rock dynamics. According to the static and impact compressive experiments on water-saturated sandstone from Kaiyang Phosphate Mine, the statics and dynamics mechanisms of prevention of rockburst under lamination spallation buckling with water are discussed based on static and dynamic failure characteristics of water-saturated sandstone from different aspects, such as structural effect of surrounding rock, boundary effect of stress wave and energy principle. Static destructions of water-saturated sandstone are shown as extension-shear failure and tensile failure, which can inhibit surrounding rock splitting into plates, so preparation process of rockburst under lamination spallation buckling is prevented. As the dynamic mechanical properties of sandstone influenced by water are significantly improved, the boundary effect of stress wave of water-softened roadway does not influence the main bearing structure of surrounding rock, and its bearing capacity can be maintained to prevent rockburst under lamination spallation buckling. The dynamic broken lumpiness of water-saturated sandstone is larger than that of air-dried sandstone, and its ability of accumulating elastic energy is weakened, therefore ejection of rock block in rockburst under lamination spallation buckling is also weakened.
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