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陈永辉, 石刚传, 曹德洪, 应海见, 王新泉

陈永辉, 石刚传, 曹德洪, 应海见, 王新泉. 气泡混合轻质土置换路基控制工后沉降研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(12): 1854-1862.
引用本文: 陈永辉, 石刚传, 曹德洪, 应海见, 王新泉. 气泡混合轻质土置换路基控制工后沉降研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(12): 1854-1862.
CHEN Yong-hui, SHI Gang-chuan, CAO De-hong, YING Hai-jian, WANG Xin-quan. Control of post-construction settlement by replacing subgrade with foamed cement banking[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(12): 1854-1862.
Citation: CHEN Yong-hui, SHI Gang-chuan, CAO De-hong, YING Hai-jian, WANG Xin-quan. Control of post-construction settlement by replacing subgrade with foamed cement banking[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(12): 1854-1862.

气泡混合轻质土置换路基控制工后沉降研究  English Version

基金项目: 浙江省交通厅科技计划项目( 2007H33 );中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目( 2011B02714 )

    陈永辉 (1972 – ) ,男,浙江东阳人,博士,副教授,主要从事软土地基处理方面研究与教学工作。

  • 中图分类号: TU473

Control of post-construction settlement by replacing subgrade with foamed cement banking

  • 摘要: 预压法处理公路软土地基时,由于预压期不足等原因在路面施工前有时会有个别路段沉降速率偏大、无法满足路面施工的沉降稳定要求,需在短时间内进行处理,以控制工后沉降。介绍了浙江申嘉湖杭高速公路(练杭段)采用气泡混合轻质土(以下称为 FCB )置换部分路基控制工后沉降的工程实例。文中通过室内浸泡试验,提出了无掺土 FCB 的设计重度受水影响时的修正方法;建立了一种能反映 FCB 置换路基这种 超载–卸载–再加载复杂 过程的沉降预测方法,并用于 FCB 置换量的计算之中。另外,还提出了采用有效超载比来修正常规沉降速率的稳定标准和利用实测沉降速率估算 FCB 置换量的简便估算方法。最后对理论计算方法与实测资料进行了对比和分析。
    Abstract: When using the preloading method to reinforce expressway soft subsoil, owing to the short preloading period and other reasons, some road sections usually exhibit large settlement rate and do not satisfy the settlement and stability requirement before the starting of pavement construction. Treatment is needed to control the post-construction settlement in a short period. A case study of controlling the post-construction by adopting the foamed cement banking (FCB) to replace parts of subgrade of Shanghai-Jiaxign-Huzhou-Hangzhou Expressway (Lianshi-Hangzhou section) in Zhejiang Province is introduced. According to the laboratory immersion tests, the correction method is put forward for soil-free FCB, as its design bulk density is affected by the water. A settlement prediction method is established, which can reflect the overloading-unloading-reloading procedure for FCB replacing the subgrade, and it is used to calculate the FCB replacement capacity of FCB. In addition, the stability criteria are proposed by using the effective overloading ratio to correct the conventional settlement rate, and a simple method is also presented to estimate the replacement volume of FCB according to the measured settlement rates. Finally the results of the theoretical method are compared with the measured data.
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  • 发布日期:  2011-12-14


